We all live our lives with ups and downs with many twists and turns, but it’s how we rise up that’s the most important thing. We have to grow through what we go through. Don’t let the lows of your life define who you are. 

I have been through so many of these twists and turns and for many years I never really truly understood the value of each situation. I never understood that there was good with the bad. My job was to comprehend each situation for the purpose of internal growth. My internal growth started when I finally said that I was no longer going to play the role of a victim in my life. 

Things had happened to me in my late teens through adulthood that just sucked and I would constantly say that I had bad luck. This went on for years. When I finally decided to take charge of my own life that’s when the growth started. Some things were a direct result of my actions and others were not. It’s not to say that things didn’t happen beyond my control, but my mindset had to shift and I developed the understanding that I needed to take care of the controllables and then let go of the things that I couldn’t.

I had to stop making up my own stories about situations that happened to me. When you realize that no matter what you go through in life be it good or bad there’s always information from it. The things that happened that were good, that’s great make some good notes. The things that happened that were not so good, that sucks, take some better notes. Learn from the things that happen.

Growth really only happens when you go through stuff. It will make you stronger and more resilient. It’s ok to make mistakes. You will spend less time being in victim mode and that will give you power. Power to make healthier decisions for yourself. The growth could be in your personal world, your business world, or both. It’s an all-around good thing. You will start to cultivate some good habits on how you want things to flow in your life. Focus on the wants. Don’t waste time thinking about all the things you don’t want. It’s unnecessary energy. 

It is said that Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb and it took an astounding 1,000 failures to get it right! Those 1,000 misses lead to a knockout hit. He figured it out because he crossed all types of stuff off the list that didn’t work to get to that one thing. He grew through what he went through. Learning.

When you feel you are having difficulties try to find some goodness out of it. Maybe you won’t make the same mistakes over again. If you keep making the same mistakes over again then you aren’t learning. Redirect and try again. I believe in you!


When life sends you a bunch of curve balls know that you will hit one out of the park, but first you must learn some things along the way. Then hopefully you can keep hitting them out of the park quicker each time! Go for it!

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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