Each one, teach one! This is a term I have been using for many years and absolutely value it. Seems simple enough and easy to understand. Each person should teach another person something! Sounds about right don’t you think?!

I recall hearing this back in the early 90’s in South Atlanta, Georgia. People would say it to others for the purposes of self-growth and community uplifting. The area I lived in at the age of 18 was rough. A lot of crime and not many opportunities for people to progress in life. Additionally, there was an extreme divide between whites and blacks.

Repeat, repeat, repeat

Just because I heard it and repeated it didn’t mean that I knew where it originated. I later discovered that the term, “Each one, teach one” was coined by African Americans during the time of slavery in the United States. It was due to the fact that African Americans were denied education, so it made sense for any and all knowledge to be passed on to others for growth.

I recall some adorable little old African American ladies who would help me learn things at my job as a teenager. They always taught me work-related stuff and life stuff. At 16 years old I worked at McDonald’s flipping burgers. They called me Youngblood. Youngblood is an urban endearing term for a younger person who is relatively inexperienced but has a lot of promise. I was developing a growth mindset!

We’re in this together

These little old ladies embodied the community mentality and wanted everyone to succeed in life no matter what their background. This is how I like to live my life every single day. I want to help others along and teach them what I know and also learn cool stuff from them as well. Each one, teach one!

To me this mentality is mission-critical. It is the way it is supposed to be. It is actually very lonely at the top. Lift people up and help each other. We weren’t meant to be alone. We are pack animals. Once we all can realize this, we will also stop world hunger and homelessness. Our education system could also be available for all without having insane student loans. Think about it!

The system by design is designed to keep the majority at the bottom and is completely driven by selfish agendas and greed. I don’t even like saying this stuff because it just sounds so negative but it is really important for us as a whole to come together.

There is no better time than right now for you to teach others what you know. You don’t have to become a teacher if that’s not your thing, but take advantage of organic situations to help others the best way you can by sharing your knowledge. It just feels good! Each one, teach one!


Please be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem. Do good things and have a good moral compass. Now go and take on the day!

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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