As we continue on from Part One we left off at the garage door opening. If you haven’t seen Part One yet please do so at this time.

So the garage door opens and there is a Ford Escort and a really nice Mercedes Benz. My buddy and I in the front passenger side (no longer friends) get out of the car and creep up to the garage in the pitch-black darkness. The Benz was very shiny and new with the wheels and tires gleaming in the moonlight just begging to get plucked! Are you guys crazy?? I am not a car thief so get that out of your minds! Ha

At this point, all I had ever stolen was chewing gum at maybe the age of 9 or 10. I believe it may have been a pack of Bubblicious Wild Strawberry bubble gum. I was really a good boy and never meant any harm. Still am in fact!

We go in and wander around. My buddy was looking in the Benz for whatever and I was looking for a gas can. Bingo! I found the gas, high tale it outside, and put the gas in the car. We take off into the night.


But less than 20 min later my buddy wants to return to the garage and check it out a bit more so we did. That was stupid, very, very stupid. It was stupid before all this of course but this was not good. 

We go into the back of the garage and then all of a sudden we heard squeaking that sounded like car brakes. We look out and there are two cops flying out of their patrol cars heading our way. Nowhere to go. We can hear in the background a car quickly starting and taking off. Yep, that was our friends and our ride. Gone and we were left behind with two guns pointed at us.

The yelling of the police officers I will never forget. “Get on the ground!” It was then that I realized I messed up big time. My friend dropped to the ground and I stay there still just staring at the guns drawn on me. Finally, I go to the ground. Next thing I knew we were cuffed and thrown into the squad car. The ride to the jail was silent. Not a word between us the whole way. So quiet.

Getting to an actual jail and the processing officers saying that I just made it to jail because I was considered an adult sent shivers down my spine. I had just turned 17. Fingerprints, shower, and dress out in that traditional orange were insane. We went to Gen Pop Pod which was filled with lots of criminals.

Slamming jail doors

I was fortunate to have only been in there for less than a day. Sucked, but I learned lots from the quick visit. I wasn’t a bad kid, I wasn’t a criminal. I was around people that weren’t a very good influence on me and I don’t think my mind was strong enough to say no.

From that moment forward I did and have done everything I could to continue being a good human being. I never wanted to disappoint my family like that ever again. My family wasn’t disappointed really because they knew who I was. I made a mistake. I was just making up a story in my head for many years to come.

Ridiculously Enjoy Life is a continuation of what came out of that goodness. I grew up and matured. I am still live and in color with a cartoon-like personality, but I have learned a lot about myself and am able to make better decisions.


Bad things can happen and that’s ok. It’s how long we stay stuck in those situations that could end up making it a part of who we are. That was never me so it was easier. Stay out of trouble and create a good and healthy life for yourself!

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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