Who was my idol? I have no freakin clue! Perhaps it was my mother that did it as a single parent and in the ARMY. She was a rock star and still is! But to truly dive into it I don’t really believe so. My mom was a different type of character. Did you become your idol?

Upon reflecting I realized that I never really had a true idol. Sure there were some people that I looked up to through the years, however, none really cut it. None of them spoke to my ambition. When we have idols I believe it’s important for them to embody some of our core values and beliefs.

I have met a lot of people in my life that were ambitious, had good morals, and worked hard on themselves and I managed to take bits and pieces of the goodness that they shared with me. Much of the information was extremely inspiring. Hearing the sad stories of some that were broken and alone at the age of thirteen. 

From surviving to thriving

They had to grow up on the streets and find their way. The way to survival. Day in and day out trying to get to the next level. Dodging bullets and rummaging through trash for food. Such sad stories of good people that just inadvertently had a tough go. Many of those people that I talked to rose up to their true potential and made it big.

Making it big meant many different things to those people. Some progressed internally and spiritually where they truly found themselves in the midst of chaos in their surroundings while others sought the almighty dollar for fulfillment. From rags and on the streets to towering above those said streets in high-rise multimillion-dollar penthouses.

Learn from as many people as you can

All of the people I meet along the way are filled with information. Do’s and don’ts, rights and wrongs, successes and failures. I try to soak things up like a sponge. “The quicker picker-upper!” Ha! Each one has different approaches to problems, which makes the learning process exciting.

I decided that my idol wasn’t going to be some big-shot celebrity or ballplayer. The decision became very simple in fact. So, who became my idol? Unknowingly it ended up being me. Yeah I know, who idolizes themselves, right?! How twisted!

Ok, hear me out. For many years I was always on the move. On the go here, on the go there. Moving every few years like a witness relocation program. It was tough meeting people with my type of energy and flavor. I am wired for sound and many just can’t handle that for too long.

For inspiration turn inwards

Years ago as I was turning inward for personal development and I started viewing videos and hearing motivational speeches from big names like Eric Thomas, Bryan Tracy, Les Brown, Mel Robbins, Dr Joe Dispenza, Oprah Winfrey, and many more. I took little nuggets from each and started applying them as I saw fit.

As I was learning about myself I realized that my spirit was my idol. The will to continue in the best way I could. I love the idea of moving the needle forward and seeing cool things happen. I want to do better every day and to also stick with my core values and morals. My moral compass is on point and I am proud to be able to say that I want to continue competing with myself. How about you? Did you have an idol that you embodied?


My life has been at 100mph almost all the time and I am constantly changing and evolving and I really like that. I don’t idolize myself per se, but I idolize my thirst for knowledge, self-improvement, and contributing to humanity the best way I can. I want to be a part of the solution not a part of the problem.


Who was your childhood idol?  

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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