Hey, are you environmentally friendly? Do you do your very best day in and day out to make good and healthy green decisions for this beautiful planet of ours? As a whole, we are responsible for looking after Earth. We need to really step up and do what we can. Each little bit will help better than not doing anything. I am going through the going green struggles.

One of my biggest struggles is the whole plastic bag thing. For years and years, I was like many others where I didn’t think about it. I would go to the grocery store a couple of times per week and I would get maybe 5 or 6 bags each time. That’s over 100 bags per year that we end up throwing out. Sometimes you see a plastic bag fall out of a trash truck and almost land on your windshield. Was that my bag?

Then I decided to shift gears and save all the bags and recycle them. Gotta change the mindset. Over time I started thinking about the amount of bags that may not actually make it into recycling, so I decided to give them to my girl’s schools because they had a donation program. That donation program was pretty cool because they turned the bags into park benches and donated them to state and local parks.

When COVID started and everyone was freaking out about coming in contact with others I decided to scrap the whole face-to-face thing at grocery stores and opted for self-checkout. My thought was to err on the side of caution because I didn’t know what I didn’t know. This was really sad.

I did the self check out thing for a while and then decided to go back to the regular lines to help with the worker thing. When we do the self-checkout thing each time it tells the business that we don’t need someone and we can do it ourselves. I really enjoy human interaction and I liked contributing to them having a job. Sadly many times I would smile and greet the cashiers and many were just not happy with the world. Probably due to how many negative customers they face on the daily.

About 6 months ago I decided to get reusable bags and really do the right thing altogether. I am all excited because I am now a part of the solution and not the problem. I am now becoming more green and then instantly my celebration came to a halt. Let me explain. I have some cool reusable bags now and I arrive at a cashier’s lane. I put all my groceries up on the belt and then hand the bags to the lady.

This lady looked at me as if I was crazy and she threw her hands up and said, “We can’t take the bags at the register because they don’t stay up on our bag island.” I am like wth! I had to go through the motions to remove all the groceries and make the journey to self-checkout all by myself. This sucked. Now I only do the self-checkout because I want to go green and be as responsible to nature as I can.


Our society is going against itself at every turn. Don’t give up. Please try to do what you can wherever you can to help this beautiful world of ours. Make good choices and good things happen.


What cool things do you do to help our planet out? Any cool tips, tricks, and hacks that you would like to share with us?

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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