TAG, you’re it! But wait I wasn’t ready! Such a fun game when I was a kid. You ran, you laughed, and it was just infectious. When we were tagged we hauled butt to the next person to tag them. That’s the game, you connect with someone (literally) and then it went from there.

My current game of TAG is actually a pretty cool story I think. And it all stemmed from a realization. I try to TAG people with smiles instead of smacking some rando! Yes, I used the word rando, it’s kinda funny to me. The amazing power of a smile should be passed on to the next person and to as many people as you can.

Catch me if you can

I have been metaphorically playing this game of Smile TAG (patent pending) for many, many years and it feels good. Simple rules. Make people out in the wild smile just for the sake of spreading joy. I love to make people I have never met smile. To smile in passing, in a quick conversation, or whatever, even at my own expense.

Yes, I will do just about anything to get people to smile. Even lean over a hot bowl of oatmeal with blueberry compote on top and stain my shirt giving the appearance that I have been shot! (this one was an accident but who cares right) We live such crazy lives these days and many of us don’t feel we can connect with others. 

I really believe that we are all here to help each other out along the way. If someone is down, lift them up. A smile truly goes a long way. Please brush your teeth beforehand though, because you may have a bit of pepper ground in there. Or not, maybe that will make someone smile. Sick people!

Anyway, the whole point of this is that I realized that I have made the smile thing a game for a long time and never truly understood what I was trying to do. I like to connect with as many people as I can throughout the day. There is sadness running loose and a warm friendly smile may help others brighten things up a bit.

Smile and wave!

When I encounter seemingly disgruntled people I try to do my best for one, to not let it get me down, and second to try to get them to smile. Sometimes it is tough, maybe even impossible, but never the less I will try anyway. I can’t always make everyone smile and that’s ok. I did my best in the time that I had.

It really has become so rewarding playing, “TAG You’re It!” with smiles that I don’t want that to ever go away. I want to continue to always do my best to be a part of the bigger picture, community. Smiles are infectious and happiness is bliss. Happiness may not always be sustainable for such great lengths of time and that’s ok. We would never know the feeling of happiness without sadness.

Will you start Smile TAG where you are? Could you try to do this every day and see how it makes you feel in return?


Smiling feels good, and frowning sucks. As they say, it takes fewer muscles in your face to smile than to make an unhappy face. Turn that frown upside down for someone else. Go now, I release you into the wild to spread happiness to one another! TAG, you’re it! Now SMILE!!! Please.


How did it make you feel when someone else made you smile out of the blue and for no apparent reason? 

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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