Are you striving for success? Success means different things to different people and that’s okay, but to me, there is one magic ingredient that needs to be mastered regardless of whether it is internal success or external success. I will give you this one super magical ingredient absolutely free! No hidden charges! Are you ready? The magical ingredient is, discipline! 

It is my opinion that to adopt a certain way of being, you must have a powerful core sense of discipline. You have to be dedicated to whatever you are accomplishing. Being successful is actually a way of life. It is a character trait and no not everyone has this. We can learn and develop this very special craft, but you can’t do it part-time.

For me I really like the idea of internal success, so that’s really what I work on. Sure the external success is cool as well, but you really need to have the internal success figured out first and foremost otherwise the external stuff will just feel like stuff and it will never feel joyful. Financial rewards are never completely fulfilling. I have met dozens of people through the years who chased the money first not even knowing they should be happy.

5 Habits Successful People Have To Start and Win The Day

(in no special order) 

1.  Wake up early. That’s right I said it! Get your buns out of bed early. None of this 7 am or 8 am stuff, unless you’re a nightshift person then that’s a whole other time routine and schedule. Please, please, please take it from me there is so much goodness in doing this. If you get up early to work on your success goals you will have a head start from all the others. Work on yourself first though. 

2.  Have a positive attitude. This should be a character trait and you will have to work really hard at it no matter what. Not everything will be sunshine and rainbows of course, but if you adopt a positive mindset you will have less aggravation during the not-so-happy times. There is always something to learn from every situation regardless of what it is. It is information. Smile!

3.  Exercising. By now you are probably wanting to strangle me but that’s ok it’s for your own good. No, it’s not ok to strangle me literally, that’s just mean! HA We all should be exercising daily. It will really help your heart and it can even help you live longer. (disclaimer: not a doctor but this is what the pros are saying) They say to have moderate exercise every day for about 30 minutes minimum. Find a healthy balance.

4.  Acting on priorities.  This is a big one. Take care of the most important things first. Also, do realize that you are a priority. They tell us on airplanes that we should put our own oxygen masks on first before we can help others. When you think about that as a metaphor it really does make sense. How can we help others if we can’t help ourselves? After that focus on the other big stuff so you can get them out of the way. 

5.  Stress management. I am so stressed out about stressing out! Don’t be that person. Regardless of goal setting or just living day by day, managing stress is key to a healthier and happier life I promise. Take stock of your daily stresses and handle the controllables. You have to let go of the other stuff the best way you can or it will consume you. Certain things you may have to deal with ongoing but again, try your very best to minimize how much it consumes you. It is just unhealthy and it will take years off your life if it goes unchecked.


Wake up early, have a positive attitude, exercise, act on priorities, and manage your stress. Seriously, get this on your morning and you will absolutely win the day! Once you start focusing on how you approach each day the sooner you will be able to see progress. Go get it and know that we are here for you!


What should be number 6 on this list?

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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  1. This is so true! Thank you for sharing! You can’t be outwardly successful and truly happy until you focus on being inwardly successful. Such a great lesson to learn!

    1. So happy that you like the content!! Thank you for being a part of Ridiculously Enjoy Life!!!

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