We have to learn how to simplify our lives where it matters the most. Many of us haven’t learned some of those important skills and we navigate life on cruise control just hoping to not crash into that hypothetical wall. Let’s get our hands back on our own wheels, shall we?!

I personally have spent a better part of my life trying to please others. Taking on more responsibilities at work was my thing. Sometimes literally doing 3 people’s jobs and never reaping the benefits. It was my fault. I truly believed that if I was a team player I would shine bright for all of the corporate office to recognize.

They actually did! But it was only for me to be realigned in my role and have a new set of job descriptions added to protect themselves from liability. They sucked. Please don’t get walked on. Chase your dreams and make them happen. Our time is limited here. 

“When you say ‘yes’ to others, make sure you aren’t saying ‘no’ to yourself.”

  • Paulo Coelho

12 Reasons Why Saying No Will Improve Your Life

  1. You will be putting your own oxygen mask on first. This means you take care of yourself and then you can decide what to do next. It’s not being selfish I promise. Recognizing your own needs are very important. 
  2. You will be contributing to your own mental health and well-being. This is important as many of us forego ourselves to take care of what everyone else needs. Stop and take a moment to reflect on this.
  3. You can free up more of your time for the things that truly matter to you. After all, we only get one life so use your time wisely. Let me be clear, this post isn’t about being self-serving or self-centered. Be more conscious of your decisions. 
  4. Saying “No” helps you be in full control over your own life. This is extremely important if you are around a lot of controlling people. 
  5. It is a life skill and when used properly it will help you align your goals and dreams. Work at it. Each time is a new opportunity to learn more about yourself. 
  6. It can provide the opportunity to say “Yes” to bigger and better opportunities. Who knows what could happen?!
  7. Learning to say “No” can help reduce unnecessary impulse purchases. I am getting better at this one for sure! Making a budget and keeping to it goes a long way. I don’t have a budget but I know it’s a benefit to those who need it.
  8. It will help you gain confidence in decision-making. 
  9. Saying “No” to others will help you to stop being a people pleaser. Who can relate to this one, right?! 
  10. It will help you learn the limits of what you can and can’t do. Many of us are overworked enough as it is and taking on more commitments can really make a mess out of your calendar.
  11. Saying “No” will help you to start creating boundaries where they are needed. Having healthy boundaries for people can help if they are always trying to get you to do things for them.
  12. Saying “No” can be very difficult if you have always been a “Yes” person, but over time it will get easier. You will be prioritizing your life as you should be doing.


Just Say NO!!! This could apply to all sorts of things. Don’t do drugs and be good to yourself! Take charge of your life. Please and thank you!


Can you add to this list? What would you suggest?

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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