Many of us do the same things over and over again that may not be serving us the way we need. Those things could be bad habits. We pick up bad habits and other habits over time and we may not know exactly where they came from. Possibly from when we were kids and we saw family and others doing them so we follow in line. We seem to always be on repeat. Why?

If we have a growth mindset and we want to progress with internal and external goals then we need to be very aware of how our days go. What do we do with our days? We don’t get time back so it makes sense to take stock on how we dispense our time. Needless surfing and scrolling on the internet. Mindless wandering on social media and so on.

Social media, the internet, and streaming apps are businesses. The more time you lose wandering on them the more they have the potential to make money off of you. So, it makes sense for them to design their platforms in a captivating way. You lose track of what you are even doing. You then become distracted from your goals. What goals are you chasing? 

There are countless other ways that we waste time. It’s not just the digital stuff. Some people hang out at the barber shop running their mouths about the game last night. You get the point. Take a look at what you do all day and see where the time is going. If you are on repeat doing the same ole same ole and not progressing then I urge you to make some changes. 

Here are some tips on how you can stop living on repeat and create your own mix:

– Things you do every day need to be paid attention to. Are you mindlessly wandering in virtual land? Are you chatting on the phone with people who are bored and have no direction in life? Fix that.

– Many are just cruising through life doing mundane things. Stop watching The Masked Singer all day and get back to work. Okay, that one was me, but I am back at my craft so please be patient! It is a cool mindless show. See, it’s not just you, disciplined people have moments of weakness as well. It’s ok, don’t beat yourself up. Develop an awareness of what you do and correct it. Things happen.

– We need to repair our days. Once you understand where your time is going then and only then can you fix things you repeat every day. Stop saying you don’t have the time to do the things you need to do. There is time you just need to use what you have wisely.

– Next, look at the routines you have. Do they serve you or do they go against the grain? Do they go against your goals? Take a good hard look and be honest with yourself. You may need to modify some of your routines. You can edit things as you go as long as it’s in the interest of what you are trying to accomplish.

– Realize that at least 50% of your day is a repeat. I don’t care who you are. You could be extremely internally and externally successful but I guarantee you that your day is 50% on repeat. There is always room for improvement. More discipline perhaps?


Don’t waste your life being on repeat if it isn’t serving your goals. Take a good look at where you spend your time. I have to remind myself of this regularly. You can fall off the horse but get back up as quickly as you can in the interest of your progress. You got this and we are here for you if you need. Reach out through our Contact Us section.

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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