What unnecessary decisions do you make? What do you mean by unnecessary decisions? Throughout each of our days we are plagued with so many decisions we need to make. From what to eat, what to wear, where to go, and so on. For many, these decisions can be taxing and very time-consuming.

Let’s be productive about our decisions

Many of the decisions we make throughout the day just take so much time and it may be unnecessarily spent. Trying to decide what outfit to pick could take 15 minutes for some. Those 15 minutes could be used for more productive things. The more time you have to be productive the better you will feel. Each of the decisions that are made not only take time away from your day they also take mental energy. 

The mental energy used throughout your day to make decisions gets taken away from your overall energy. So the more decisions you make regardless of complexity the less energy you’ll have towards the end of the day. Time and energy are extremely valuable so it’s best to make methodical choices to get you where you need to go.

Create smart shortcuts for decision making

Many successful people I have met create shortcuts in their lives to make things easier. An example of such shortcuts is having a very simple and exact wardrobe to completely remove the stresses of selecting what type to wear. Sounds a bit crazy right?!  As crazy as it sounds it works really well as time savers for these people. They purchase many of the same outfits for the week to use. The closet looks like repeat, repeat, repeat. So if you end up seeing someone in the same outfit day in and day out it may just be a personal daily uniform.

Another exhaustive decision people fumble through day in and day out is the food they eat. If you eat the same things daily you can save a bit more time and energy. The first thought for most is that it sounds boring and doesn’t make sense to them. If you create more daily routines, over time you will save more time and energy for other things that have more importance.

Stop viewing food as comfort

Food is really a way of surviving however many view food as comfort which ends up enabling them. I am raising my hand here because I love food and I am working very hard at understanding this. For the past couple of years or so I have done a decent job at creating new and healthy habits and I am proud of myself for doing the work. Side note: Do you find yourself spending an insane amount of time trying to find something to watch on TV? If so, stop the madness and work on a craft and learn new things with that time. More than likely you already saw what you selected on TV and it wasn’t really that good anyway.

Utilize a scale of complexity

Decisions can be ranked by complexity from easy, moderate, or difficult. Easy decisions would be the wardrobe and food thing. Moderate decisions happen a few times per year and the difficult ones hopefully don’t come that often for you. Any of the easy decisions that you can put on the autopilot function would be good. These unnecessary decisions should be the ones that are pretty trivial in the grand scheme of things and wouldn’t be as impactful on your way of life. 

Hopefully, you have already created some good daily routines and you can incorporate some pre-selected decisions to maximize your day. Spending time in the fridge and time looking for clothes can take more time out of your day than you think. Do a test run throughout your day and see how much time some decision making takes. 


Take a look at your day to day life and see if there are certain decisions that you make that could be unnecessary. Once you have a good idea of what they are then see if you can get some time and energy back by simplifying the process. You can add them to other areas of your life that may be important to you.  

What unnecessary decisions do you make? How much time do you think you’ll save by refining them?

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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