In part one of the Laws of Attraction, we laid out the foundation and discussed some of the inner workings. We will now go into more of the goodness.

The Laws of Attraction are always in motion regardless of your views and beliefs. It is energy and it has frequencies. It is said that everything has energy and many people are in tune with that energy. Have you ever arrived at a place with many people and you instantly feel good or bad? You feel something within but are unsure what or why. This is a great example of energy. You hear common phrases such as, “lots of good energy here,” “he has amazing energy,” and so on. 

This feeling within is receiving the energy of others in the form of vibrations. Good vibes!! The energy within is cast with vibrations. I recall when I was a teenager and I went to a party. Once going into the house I had a really bad feeling within that I didn’t understand. There were a lot of people drinking and doing drugs and it wasn’t my scene. I made the decision to leave and discovered several days later that there was a big fight that broke out at the party and several of the kids went to jail. I trusted my gut feeling (the energy) and made the right decision for myself. 

Several years later I was able to hone in on my ability to recognize the energy around me. Everywhere I went I was able to feel things from others good and bad. Sometimes I could feel really bad energy from others and my heart rate would go up. Understanding that whomever I was receiving the energy from wasn’t a good person and I would avoid them. 

As you go through life understand that you will receive what you put out into the universe. The Laws of Attraction have a momentum of your thoughts and will act accordingly. 

momentum: the quality of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity.

The momentum of your thoughts should be understood and in line with your beliefs. Believe that you already are what you want to be. “I am a successful businessman/woman!”  Also, focus on where you are going instead of where you have been. The laser-like focus will propel you forward so you can achieve what you are thinking about. 

I have always heard the saying, “the rich get rich and the poor get poorer.” Until recently I didn’t quite get the gist of it. To me, I take away from it achieving goals and accomplishing things that were previously thought impossible. Believing in the dream and making it happen. There is a mindset of the statement that means if you are positive you will attract the positive and if you are negative you will attract the negative. 

To truly change your mindset you need to take inspired action. Find your inspiration whatever it is and take the necessary action to get you there. Easier said than done! It won’t be easy. If it was then everyone would do it. There isn’t an “Easy Button.” So now you know and knowing is half the battle. (some of you might understand this)

The inspiration you have should be something you want badly. Take that deep desire and turn it into motivation. Then swiftly use the motivation for you to go after it. Your belief that what you want is already yours is the key. Use visuals and speak them aloud. The universe is listening and is working on it. You don’t have to know the how, when, or why, just know and believe with everything you have.

The Laws of Attraction take away your frequent thoughts to make them happen. To my understanding, if you have a bad day and your thoughts may be in the dumps it won’t necessarily go in that direction in the future unless those thoughts become beliefs. Then those negative beliefs would become your reality. There will most certainly be highs and lows in your life, but don’t be afraid of that happening. Understand that the lows can be temporary if you let them. You will have a greater appreciation for the good times. The good times will be treasured and will give you plenty of ammunition for gratefulness in the future.

When you wake up in the morning feel grateful for all that you have. This will get you started off on a good note. You are in charge of your own reality! 


The Laws of Attraction are always working so think and believe good things. Think as many things that you are grateful for regardless of how small it may seem. For example, being grateful for a great cup of coffee first thing in the morning gets the mind right. Savor the experience. Stay on course and remember the main thoughts.

What is your opinion about the Laws of Attraction? Do you have experience with the subject and would like to give us some advice?

*********Please respond to the questions here with us so we can learn and grow.  The good and the bad will help others recognize successes and failures in our own lives.  Thank you so very much!***********

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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