“Laws of Attraction” isn’t something new. It didn’t just start a decade ago, it’s been around for many moons. People are discussing it more now as lifestyles are changing and needing a new direction. Additionally, the era of the internet and information distribution has made it more accessible for others to discover.

Projecting goodness to the world

Laws of Attraction are positive or negative internal thoughts and beliefs that are projected outward. The positive and negative is a form of energy inside us and all around the universe. We will talk more about that in a later post. Your way of thinking about yourself and the world around you become your reality ongoing.

For example, if you think you are happy then you are happy or if you think you are sad then you are sad. The Laws of Attraction are said to be traced back in history to Hinduism. 

The Elephant and The Rope

To successfully attract ongoing goodness into your life your way of thinking should constantly be on the up and up. Your internal belief system may need some training depending on how you grew up. Some were groomed to be positive thinkers and believers while others grew up uncertain and doubtful about themselves. We all have highs and lows in our lives, but we need to try to bounce back from the lows quickly so we don’t find ourselves in a rut.

As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at any time, break away from their bonds but for some reason, they did not. 

He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away. “Well,” trainer said, “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.” 

The man was amazed. These animals could at any time break free from their bonds but because they believed they couldn’t, they were stuck right where they were.


Time to break the rope

Know and believe that the rope is broken and you are free. The next step is to focus on the things that you want and not what you don’t want. We have a tendency in life to focus on the negative so much so that we approach new situations in that manner. For example, you pull up to the ferry and assume that it is going to take forever for the boat to load all the cars and sure enough it does. You thought it, it happened. 

The laws of attraction are a powerful tool that each of us possesses. Try something different by approaching the situation from a different angle. “I am glad we are boarding the boat now so I can take great pictures of the sunset!” Have fun with it. Little by little you will see how your good thoughts start coming true. It’s actually pretty cool. For the past couple of years, I have been doing it with the different things that had previously been negative. I like doing it with traffic lights. In the past, it always seemed like I was stuck in traffic and at red lights.

Feeling and believing goodness all around

From a distance as I approach the traffic lights, I imagine it being green regardless of the current state. I make it a game! If the traffic light is red while I am approaching I do a mental or verbal countdown from 5 to 1 for it to turn green. The mental countdown is usually when others are in the vehicle, I don’t want them thinking they are on the crazy train! In many cases, the light turns green just as I get to 1.

My daughters are no longer impressed with it, but I don’t care I will keep doing it. Sometimes while approaching the traffic signal and I see the light has been green for awhile I know it has to change back to red, so I play a count down 5 to 1. My next move is to accelerate or decelerate to accommodate the timer. Sadly sometimes I am so accurate that I end up misjudging my distance and end up getting stuck. I gladly stop and laugh at myself. 

Believe young Jedi

Put your trust that your belief is going to work out the way you want. Think about it, feel it, believe it, and put it out there. Have as much fun as you can with it and you will see it work out. After all, having fun creates those feel-good endorphins to kick in. A few years ago a watched a film called The Secret and loved it! It’s about all the goodness above.


Don’t continue to be bound by your past negative thoughts. Create new positive thoughts and believe in them. Once you truly believe, the process can start. If you say something positive and you don’t believe it you will only be tricking yourself, thus the negative belief will prevail. By creating and recognizing the positivity in every situation you can you will start to feel better. The smiles will come more frequently. You will receive whatever you put out into the universe so make it great!

Do you believe that the Laws of Attraction are real and are always working or do you think that it’s hocus pocus? Be cautious of your answer…

*******Please respond to the questions here with us so we can learn and grow.  The good and the bad will help others recognize successes and failures in our own lives.  Thank you so very much for being a part of this!**********

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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