Our moral compass will navigate and guide us through life. Good or bad. What are your core values and how do they affect the way you act day in and day out? We are all going through some challenging times right now. Our lives have been impacted by COVID19/Coronavirus in so many ways.

Our attitudes have changed out of necessity for the purposes of evolving and surviving. Are our primal selves emerging? Survival of the fittest may be occurring and it seems difficult for people to unite. We are meant to learn, connect, and grow with one another regardless of walks of life.

Moral compass: a person’s ability to judge what is right and wrong and act accordingly.

We know right from wrong

Having a moral compass that is on the good side should be a big part of our everyday lives. We know right from wrong, don’t we? We know that we feel good when others treat us right. When they treat us with kindness and respect. So, if that is the case how do some of us deviate from this belief and do harm to others around us? 

Well, that is a large can of worms that I currently am unable to open. That is a big freakin can! I believe many during this time of chaos feel uncertain and unbalanced. Some don’t know where their next meal will come from so they turn to stealing and doing bad things to get what they can. I have to say I am so very grateful and I feel lucky that I am not one of those. 

I have been trying to stay away from all of the chaotic news lately for obvious reasons. It just sucks to keep hearing all of the negative stuff along with the fact that I truly don’t trust and believe in our media system today. The lies just keep flowing. None the less I stumbled upon news of rioting, looting, and mayhem in cities throughout the US.

We need to truly understand

I’m not going to get into the specific event that has triggered this post, but the point is that the civil unrest and lack of a good moral compass are running rampant. Our behavior as a society needs to change. But first, we need to understand.

Most of us truly know and understand what the reasons are for any civil unrest, I believe that we should all unite for the purposes of contributing in a good and healthy manner. If you aren’t a part of a good solution then you are a part of the problem. Easier said than done I know because we as people can easily fall into uniting with the masses and their agendas. Monkey see monkey do. Be intentional about your choices.

Seeing images of burning buildings, looted retail stores, and other destruction of property was horrible. If there is a problem with a system or entity it should be dealt with directly. Not in the form of destruction. Many people and businesses were/are affected by the mayhem caused by people with tainted and defective moral compasses. The images of the destruction I saw weren’t a part of the reason for the civil unrest in the first place.

Don’t be a part of the problem, be a part of the solution

Why were there so many people involved in stealing TVs, liquor, and all the other items? It makes no sense to me. It is clear that these people have no moral compass and are only opportunists. An opportunity to take advantage of innocent people.

I can certainly understand if it was food or other necessities. Even though it’s wrong to steal but during times of uncertainty we revert to our primal selves. There is a big difference between survival and people taking advantage of a tragic event.

My hopes are that we can do our best to move on the best way we can and keep our heads high. Keep your moral compass in check and always do the right thing. 


With so much negative stuff going on in the world today we need to keep finding goodness and be grateful for what we have. Don’t fall off the wagon and follow others to do bad things. Stick to your core values as a person and inspire others to do the same.

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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