Be intentional about your choices in life. Live life with intention. Many of us just go throughout our days with no actual purpose. Just waiting for life to happen.

Intention is a mental state that represents a commitment to carrying out an action or actions in the future.

Intentional done on purpose; deliberate.

Living your life with intention purposefully creating action of what you are wanting to achieve. Everything you do has meaning. A meaning within you, for you.

The definitions above are in place to get the mind to spark a bit. To reflect briefly on what it is we do and what do we mean to do in life.

As we navigate this world we kinda get lost from time to time. Sometimes we inadvertently hit the auto-pilot button and just let go of the wheel. We get distracted by daily life and just keep repeating it over and over again. It is amazing how much time can go by in this state of being idle. I myself was stuck with the auto-pilot on and didn’t realize it. I wasn’t living my life with intention, I was just waiting for things to happen so that I could react to them.

Sound familiar? I bet many of you have been this way before. Maybe you are stuck right now and not living your life with intention. Well, something that bothers me about this saying, “not living your life with intention,” is that you mean to do something in the future. “I intend on getting good grades.” “I intend on washing the car.” You mean to but do you? Does your intention have any action with it?

Our minds always try to find shortcuts

So, let’s think of it as if you are taking control over your life and you are “Living with Action!” I think this sounds a bit better for those of us that mentally break down sayings and try to find some loophole so as to not have to go about completing something. Yeah, my brain seems to be very clever and we all look for mental shortcuts. We are wired that way.

If you think about what it is you want out of life and you know what your purpose is it will be a lot easier to live your life with intention. Each day you will know what direction you want to be going in. You will feel more satisfied with your life. If you don’t know what direction you are heading or your purpose then you are probably on auto-pilot and just wandering around. Stop wandering around aimlessly. Start living intentionally.

Realize that you need to have a plan

First, turn off the auto-pilot feature within yourself. Next, get into the frame of mind that you want something meaningful out of your life. If you want to be physically fit, educated, become a humanitarian, or whatever, then you need to get into the mindset that each and every action you take should be intentional ones. Living life with intention isn’t a hobby. It’s not a part-time thing, it’s a full-time thing. Your big picture should be exciting to you. Start the habits needed now to accomplish how you want to be in life.

Living with intention is a way of life. It’s a way of being a certain way every day without exceptions. Focus on the things that you are passionate about. I am passionate about helping others. Contributing to society is very important to me so I do as many bits and pieces that are a part of that big picture for me. All of the bits and pieces of contributing to society are core to me which makes me live my life with intention. Each day my needle keeps moving in that direction.


Discover who you want to be in life, then define and create the characteristic traits needed to be that person. Once you know who you are and the type of person you want to be you will want to do the things necessary to achieve it. The choices you make won’t have to be a deciding factor, they will have meaning behind them. The actions will become a way of life. Being a good person for example would need to have the foundation and ways to be that. Knowing right from wrong and making selections in life that fit the “good person” type will be living life with intention. Be intentional about your choices.

What other actions could you take to get you there?

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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