Decision fatigue? Did you know that your decision-making abilities get tired? What in Sam Snicker Doodle is that?! Sit back and take notes my friend for we are about to embark on a knowledge journey! 

Making decisions all throughout the day doesn’t really seem that exhausting when you first think of it, but then it quickly sinks in doesn’t it? We make on average of about 35,000 decisions per day according to that one source that I can’t recall. Google it!

We start making decisions the very first second our eyes open up in the a.m. Yep, it’s true! Your brain starts firing off crazy stuff. For example, am I going to get up now or when the 2nd alarm goes off (shame on you if you have multiple alarms minutes apart)? Will there be a lot of traffic on the way to the office? Should I wear the blue tie or the red tie? 

See how quickly they can add up? Once we start the day off making lots of decisions we can quickly get tired and fatigued as the morning progresses. Believe it or not, even the seemingly useless decisions wear on our ability to make better choices later in the day. That’s when we start messing up with the good flow.

The exhaustion sets in and creates a domino effect. Anxiety goes up and our brains get on overload. Important decision-making is not to be gambled with when we have exhausted our allocated resources. This means that you should make sure you handle your business first thing in the a.m.! 

Sub it out

It’s ok to put your less important stuff on autopilot every now and then. Make the decision of what you want to wear before bed. Don’t stress yourself out first thing with stuff like that. Be smart and start the day with a better plan. 

We also become emotionally fatigued and that’s another can of worms you don’t want to get into trust me. These days we have way more complicated lives so strategic planning is a good idea. Make a plan, stick to the plan, always deliver!

Different decisions have a different impact on our energy levels so be mindful of that. If you are purchasing a car tomorrow, do yourself the favor to get some smooth-sailing ideas ready. You don’t want to end up opting in for all the bells and whistles if you can’t afford them or don’t want them. Salespeople will see you from a mile away.

A good way to help you through this is to do your best to streamline as many of the choices as you can. Try to make fewer decisions and avoid random decisions. It is always a good idea to make a list. Call it a cheat sheet!

Also, you can do like I do and delegate other decisions that don’t necessarily need your attention. A business partner perhaps or a co-worker. These things will start making sense when you start putting things into play. Give it a try and see how it works for you


Decision fatigue is a real thing and it will suck the life out of you if you let it. Don’t get caught up in all that unnecessary stuff if you don’t have to. Plan ahead if you can. Many of us have a good idea of what the next day’s potentials are so be wise. You will thank me I promise. Thank me in the comments below! Ha


How many decisions do you believe you made before even stepping into your nice cozy office? 

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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