speed boat coming through channel. celebrate new year, new decade, new you

Here are 5 great quotes explored to start the decade out on the right foot. New Year, New Decade, New You!

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”

-Thomas A. Edison 

If you weren’t always the type of person able to absorb the blows that come with failing, then there are new habits that need to be formed.  Actually, I believe perhaps a new mindset should be created.  You need to understand that the failures are all apart of the laws of numbers.  Yes, math class is now in session.  By now you should have heard about how many times one fails before they succeed. 

I have spoken to many of my peers, read journals, read blogs and watched an insane amount of motivational videos regarding successful people who tell their stories of failing before they succeed.  This doesn’t necessarily mean that one can’t achieve something on their second try, but for the most part, you get the idea.  You need to keep in mind that learning something will take time and you will definitely stumble along the way.  As long as you know then you will be prepared.  Give yourself credit for learning something and that way you will realize that even if something fails at first you are one step closer to figuring it out. As we enter the new decade, take the time to make an action list for success. 

“Tell me and I forget,

teach me and I remember,

involve me and I learn.”

-Benjamin Franklin

This makes so much sense when you actually think about it.  For me when someone tells me something I usually forget it pretty quickly.  In most cases, it goes in one ear and then out the other.  Except for the time that Rihanna the music artist told me she loved me, I got that right away!  (ok kidding, but she would if she knew me)  If someone takes the time to show me and teach me something then it will stick with me.  The involvement and process help me learn.  I especially enjoy learning things if it’s a topic that I truly enjoy.  I believe that when working with others, the process of engaging affords all parties the ability to learn. Teamwork makes the dream work!

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”

-Walt Disney

One of the things I had always done was come up with great ideas.  I would think about something and want to do it but I never created the actual motions to do them.  I am referring to big things like business ideas. When talking to others I would say, “I am creating such and such!” or “I am starting such and such!” but it just kept getting drug along for whatever reason.  I used my creativity for almost 60% of the way and then it just dissolved and vanished in the blink of the eye.  Life was so chaotic and busy at the time that I didn’t realize I did this.  It was discovered years back when my back issues had really kicked in and I was forced to take another look at where I was in life. 

I will say that the realization was a big gift!  If you don’t have a power group of successful people in your corner you may never realize where you’re at or where you’re heading.  Let me be clear when I say successful I mean internally.  These are the type of cats you want to learn from because they have a great way of life.  If you can learn and grow around this you will develop healthy habits that would be applicable for both, your inner success and outer success. 

When something comes to you in a dream, a vision, or sitting on the couch that makes you believe that it will be fantastic then you need to go with it and trust your heart regardless.  I did!  I will tell you about it later when the action is completed so you can hear a cool story.  You must apply yourself in every area in your life to really get it all!  

“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”

-Mother Teresa 

I now believe based on what others say that I have always been this way.  It is clearly one of my biggest goals is to bring smiles to people’s faces even at my own expense.  No, I am not paying you to smile!  Now being a seasoned adult or a jr senior citizen I truly understand the importance of this.  The self-gratification alone is enough for me.  I am always out and about and I enjoy interacting with people.  Far too often I encounter people who are down, disconnected or maybe just really an introvert and they don’t engage with others much.

  I am an extreme extrovert.  So much so that even some other extrovert people can’t always handle my high energy and approach to life.  I try to make people smile and enjoy the interactions.  Too many have their heads down and seem to look sad, even with the technology of cell phones which I believe plays a big role in this.  One thing people need to understand is that a very simple hi, hello and opening a door for someone can do wonders for our society.  You never know what another is going through and believe it or not one of those simple hello’s with a friendly smile to another could actually give them hope and even possibly preventing them from committing suicide.  Yes, it is true.  You can save a life by saying hello.  So, I now say to you, “Hi there!” 

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.”

-Helen Keller

Some of the most impactful statements come from those who have faced many challenges in their lives.  Helen Keller was deaf and blind yet she was able to feel the world with such a grand appreciation that many of us take for granted.  It amazes me the zest for life that so many people have that may not have everything we have.  As a photographer, I am extremely grateful for being able to see, feel and hear.  I understand the value of feeling with the heart as it shows so much beauty!  Our hearts are capable of feeling amazing things and I hope that we can all recognize the beauty we can create with it.

What’s your favorite quote from our list or from your own and why? 

(Please respond to the questions here with us so we can learn and grow.  The good and the bad will help others recognize successes and failures in our own lives.  Thank you so very much!)

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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