With self-esteem at an all time low it’s easy to see why so many people are feeling blue for long periods of time. We can change this but it will take a lot of hard work. Yep, it’s that time again to put in lots of effort. Don’t worry, it will be worth it. We will literally have to rewrite our own script. These tips will help you to go in the right direction. 

Give yourself the chance to make the necessary changes to your mindset. Be kind and forgiving along the way. Know that you can change your self-esteem. Do your best to minimize feeling sorry for yourself. It is actually counter productive in your journey to progressing. 

18 Ways To Boost Your Self-Esteem

  1. Do your best to stop trying to please everyone. I had spent my entire life trying to please everyone at my own detriment and I never understood why. It took many years of hard work and dedication to be a part of my solutions. Having awareness and understanding was key for me to progress. You can’t please everyone and that’s ok. 
  2. Make a cool list of things about yourself that you admire. I’ll start with my own list to help you. Yes, this was tough for me to do, but I feel good about it. A few things that I admire about myself is that I am extremely genuine and authentic. I have good intentions with everything I do. I like that I am very empathetic to others around me. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I like helping others as it seems to give me more meaning in life. Ok, now it’s your turn!
  3. Recognize the things that you are good at. This is very important for you to do so that you can start building yourself up little by little. It could be anything. Even when you were a kid if you can’t find anything current. The idea is to get started.
  4. Practice self-compassion. Turn inward and be kind, forgiving, and understanding to you as you would others. Take your own advice. Try to not be so hard on yourself and know it’s ok to mess up and make mistakes. 
  5. Challenge your negative thought patterns. In the moment when you are feeling weak and your self-esteem is being hurt, challenge it. Give yourself a pep talk if you need to. Do it aloud. It’s ok, there are lots of crazies out there you will fit right in! Kidding.
  6. Do your best to minimize comparing yourself to others. You really don’t know what it’s taken for people to get where they are at. You are probably getting their highlight reel anyway.
  7. Be aware of what your beliefs are and what your thoughts are in the moment. This is always good information if you are on the right track or not. 
  8. Try to identify times and situations where your self-esteem is being affected. This will help you map out certain potential patterns. Are they negative and reoccurring?
  9. Retrain your thought process. This will really help you rebuild your self-esteem. It’s really the whole basis for healthy self-esteem.
  10. Understand and accept that you aren’t perfect. Who wants to be perfect anyway?! Sounds like a lot of BS and unnecessary pressure. You are amazing as you are!
  11. Build healthy relationships. Avoid unhealthy ones. Simple and easy to remember.
  12. Learn to say no. So no to things that you don’t want to do. Say no to drugs. Say yes to yourself. 
  13. Take on new and exciting challenges. These are always wonderful character-building things that will certainly help you. Just have fun with them.
  14. Baby steps. Building your self-esteem won’t be an overnight success so please understand this. It will potentially be a longer road. Do enjoy the sights and progress along the way!
  15. Develop gratitude. I am grateful for_____?
  16. Help others. Random acts of kindness are such a healthy thing for us. I know for me it really makes my heart happy.
  17. Know that it’s ok to talk to others about it. A good friend or a licensed therapist goes a long way. 
  18. Self-care, proper hygiene, eat healthy. Take care of yourself, take a bath, and eat as healthy as you can. Please don’t be the stinky one in the room. 


Each and every day we have new opportunities to lift ourselves up, so please use them to your advantage. Self-esteem is built over time so the quicker you get started the better off you will be. SHINE bright my friends!


What do you think we missed on this list? What would you add or take away?

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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