AI this, AI that! AI is everywhere in just about every conversation these days and it is getting wild. The fear of the unknown is ever so present. I have many, many concerns as to what the future holds just like many of you. I am by no means an expert. More like a Super Novice! Ha!

To my understanding, the term Artificial Intelligence (AI) was coined back in the 1950s. This was an era where all different types of technological achievements were really getting into full swing. It is said by many that Alan Turing, a British logician and computer pioneer was mainly responsible for the modern era of machines that computed. 

Artificial Intelligence was created to streamline industries and aid in modern conveniences. To do the menial tasks that humans didn’t want to do. Robotics were being developed and started in many factories. The definition of robotics is very broad ranging from computer systems, to machine arms in factories, to the more modern view of a stand-up droid-like character. They were all created to shortcut our lives in some way or another.

Many have concerns as to how and when AI robots will take over and wipe out the human race. I think that’s certainly a far stretch of the human imagination, but many of us have seen the 1984 film, Terminator. Could you just imagine if that ever happened in real life? Well, they say that anything imaginable is possible. 

I am completely enthralled and terrified about technology and where it’s headed. Personally, I really like the good old days like in the 80’s when the extent of technology didn’t mimic me nor was it completely invasive. Being amongst others in outdoor settings, skateboarding, and being completely engaged with what was present. 

Arcades were sufficient in my eyes and that was a blast. These days it seems everywhere we turn new things are being introduced and putting humans on the back burner. Yes, we have many jobs still available of course, but I think we have shortcutted way too much. 

I do think AI and robotics are fantastic when it comes to avoiding dangers and unnecessary wear and tear on our joints. Robotics that can lift 50-100lbs thousands of times per day go a long way instead of humans. Let’s be smart about what we choose. This doesn’t mean that machines need to replace all of our labor jobs and who’s to say where we draw the line with it anyway, right?!

I think it’s ok to put a machine into a potentially dangerous situation versus a human. But there is also something really rewarding for a human to save someone from a burning building. Heroism is a beautiful thing and I don’t necessarily think it should be replaced. Look at what many people have sacrificed for others well being. It is certainly a wonderful characteristic trait. But again, who’s to say what should and shouldn’t replace humans? And we are so divided in our views of it. 

Many people don’t want things to continue to change so drastically. We truly aren’t ready for such a rapid ramp-up of tech stuff. Yes, humans have been around for over 200,000 years but we’ve really been becoming industrial within the past couple hundred years. The turn of the 21st century has really amped things up. Digital chaos everywhere!

What I know is that AI isn’t going anywhere and it is growing at a rapid pace. We need to try to make peace with it somehow. I am really not sure how to as of yet, because every day it seems we have new things rolling out. We have little robot coolers delivering goods in cities, drones hovering overhead policing, and hackers looking to exploit as many good people as they can. 


Modern technology is scaling very quickly, so get on board or move to the mountains on some small island where it will take a bit longer for it to find you. LOL. I like the idea of the small island.  I think I need to start saving. Beach life was very good to me moons ago, so hey why not right? 


What are your main concerns with AI? 

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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