Habit, plan, and strategy. What is your plan? Do you even have a plan? Of course you do, we all have some kind of cool plan! It’s called our mental super highway to the future. We are constantly in our heads dreaming. We have a plan, but not many of us have the goodness and substance behind it to turn it into fruition. Technically at this stage, it may be even considered a thought.

When we have a thought of something we may move it to a goal status. I want to accomplish x, y, and z. Well, to get to said x, y, and z we need to get a master plan going to reach it. Think about it. How many goals do you have that you haven’t done anything about? Why? Do you feel it’s too much? Do you doubt yourself? These are questions that we must answer.

Get to the source

Dig deep and do your very best to answer those questions because it will help you in the future. We need to learn about ourselves and how we react to things. Do you apply yourself? For me, I always came up with super cool ideas and still do, but I didn’t always do anything about it. It was because I needed to create new habits. New habits are needed to be created if you aren’t good about following through with your goals.

The habits you create will depend on what it is you feel you are lacking. Do some soul-searching on this. It will be huge for your future. The habits you create will have to be solid and you need your loved ones, and your supporters to be on board and keep you accountable. Get yourself someone from Pennsylvania, I did! And she is my cheerleader! Woooo hoooooo!

Once you have good habits built right in then you can get a plan. Come up with a good plan. Get lots of details out of what it is you want. The plan should encompass lots of goodness. Be realistic and be honest with yourself about the type of plan. The cool part of plans is that they can be modified along the way. Hey, things change and so can you.

Develop discipline

As I said before I used to have lots of plans for so many things that could have been great but I just didn’t have the mental discipline to make them come true. I just didn’t know. I didn’t have the information. I didn’t know what I didn’t know and I wasn’t around people who had the awareness to help me either. These days it’s completely different. I am more aware so I am much better at having a plan. Falling short still happens, but it’s less and less and that’s good with me.

Next, you have to come up with a strategy. Plan and strategy are different in fact. Your strategy needs to propel your plan into action. It is the action part. In this part, you have to absolutely be honest with yourself as well. Think about all the good things you bring to the table. What are the things you are really good at? With this information, you can see what areas you can attack with it. You also need to see where you lack. There may be some things that you suck at that you need to create that action.

The strategy is where many of us fall off. Don’t fall off, you got this! You can also do like I do and delegate the things that I am not really good at or the things that I am really not interested in doing as much in the interest of strategizing.

Plan vs Strategy defined:

A Plan: A plan is the details: who, how, when, and how much to achieve a goal or objective. It aligns resources, timing, and expectations. A plan has a more limited scope than a strategy, and the process to develop it should be more focused and quicker, so you get into action as soon as possible.

A Strategy: A strategy is the story of an exciting journey; it explains how you plan to move from where you are today to where you eventually want to end. A strategy outlines how you will overcome challenges, confront vulnerabilities, and leverage all your assets and favorable forces to prevail through the journey to arrive at your ultimate destination.


Habit, plan, and strategy are the full picture of things that you want out of life. We have to create good and effective habits in order to even move on to the next step. We must have a good plan for the overall goal, and then we need to create a solid strategy to accomplish said goal. Get started now. Stop making excuses, because it will only hold you back.


What is a good habit that helps you with your goals?

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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