You are not the darkness you endured. We all have been through ups and downs much like a roller coaster. But do you stay at your lowest low or will you reach for the sky? I say, “Fly Robyn, fly!”

“You are not the darkness you endured. 

You are the light that refused to surrender.”

-John Mark Green

I understand this quote to its absolute core and I can appreciate its brilliance. My life has been filled with so many crazy things, crazy good and crazy bad. Nope, stop right there mister. Remove the bad from the other sentence. The reason I want to strike it from the sentence is that I don’t believe it is bad if I can learn from it.

Many of us have so much darkness and we can’t seem to find the light. It’s a state of mind in my opinion. When too much time goes by in any state it could trick our brains. Possibly tricking us into thinking that it will be that way forever. Oh, doom on me! 

You aren’t your past unless you let it be. Stop carrying around the chaos as if it is who you are as a person. Understand that each new day gives us the opportunity to rise above it. It may not be easy. In fact, I am here to tell you that if you have endured a great deal of stuff, you will have to truly adopt a new way of thinking.

Take what’s necessary from your past to help you push forward. They say that you will never know where to go if you don’t know where you have been. Kinda makes some sense now, doesn’t it?!

“Absorb what is useful, discard what is not,

add what is uniquely your own.”

-Bruce Lee

Don’t give up on yourself. You can be the light that refused to surrender. I believe that where there is a will there is a way. Choose to have the will. Build the courage and know wholeheartedly that you can do it because you can. Here at REL, we believe you can. We have some good information built right in. Scroll back through to the beginning. Follow my journey and see that you too can find the light.


Each night turns to day. We will be able to hit that reset button if we want to. Choose to if you are in the dark. Develop every ounce of strength within you to get up and do it. Stop making excuses and stop blaming others. This part wasn’t in the post, but let’s consider it a bonus. Take responsibility for your own actions and realize that YOU choose how you feel inside. No one can force you. When you discover that you will see that you have the power. The power to do anything you set your mind to. Now go and have a freakin good day!


Do you believe you are in the darkness? How long has it been that you are still stuck in your past? 

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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