I have always tried to take on the world which as you can imagine is a lot for one individual.  Being a person that wants to help others first, I’ve realized that my happiness has fallen by the wayside.  I have been this way my whole life.   So with this knowledge, I am ceasing those habits right here and now.  It is important to do things that make you smile. Well, gee what makes me happy?  What makes you happy??  Like truly happy. I don’t really know.  This is why we’re here.  To discover and maintain happiness. 

Needing to learn to set and achieve goals.

I’m in my mid-’40s (fairly handsome and somewhat of a cartoon character) and for the past 16 of them, I had been completely focused on other people. Laser-focused as I have discovered.  I am now rewriting my own script of what I want which is pretty cool, to say the least!  I want to get back to exploring all the goodness that life has to offer, I want to learn how to set and achieve goals, and I want to be successful again.  

Oh please don’t feel bad for me because the reality is I have done some amazing things that most only dream of.  I’ve met some insanely cool people, I’ve traveled to places that are beautiful hot spots, I’m a part of the exotic car world, I’ve done some automotive rallies, and so much more!  I truly treasure my world! I want to share this next journey with you!  

Helping others makes me happy.

In a sense, I will continue helping others, but this time it will be under my own rules. In this online realm, we will pave a new and fun direction. This will be key for a bright and healthy future for each of us.  I love people and enjoy meeting characters with soul! Throughout this journey, I will interview people who have the tools and skills that will help us figure the day to day bs out so we can regroup and reprioritize what will be a benefit for the road ahead.  I am a super happy person and enjoy making others laugh with my antics. My two daughters are my driving force to be the very best that I can be.  

For us to be successful internally as well as externally, it will be very important to recognize that we need some guidance from valuable sources.  Each piece of information given through this blog may or may not be relevant to one’s life. Adopt the things that have true value to you.  This is going to be the coolest part of all of this. Interviewing these valuable people and getting their own words directly through video format will help us connect with them. The emotions of how they have achieved the things in their lives can and will inspire each of us to take a different approach in our own world.

“Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless and add what is specifically your own.”

– Bruce Lee

We need to learn how to connect with others.

As a society, I believe that each of us has lost our way.  Most people go through life and do not create healthy and lasting relationships. I am inspired by the idea of connecting people through this realm, so as we are going along I am hoping that each of you can connect with me and other like minding individuals regardless of geographic location.  If we can learn and connect with one another, then the concept of bridging the gap between people who aren’t successful yet to those that are will become seamless.  The trick is to be completely open-minded on all sides. 


the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

Do you believe this will work? If so or if not tell me how you feel about it? 

(Please respond to the questions here with us so we can learn and grow.  The good and the bad will help others recognize successes and failures in our own lives.  Thank you so very much!)

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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  1. YASSSS!! They always say it starts with our attitude. But if our mind isn’t right, our attitude follows that. So how do we shift our mindset, make our minds healthy enough to have a positive, optimistic attitude? I believe it starts with our daily habits and having a healthy morning routine. If we set up the day right, then we own the day regardless of what is thrown at us. They say (whoever ‘they’ are) that the most successful people in the world have a morning routine. This has been one of the most life changing habits I have created for myself this year! Still working on improving prioritization and planning better. So what is your morning routine?! Any tips and tricks that have worked for you?

    1. I couldn’t agree more! I do have a very good morning routine so far and I am adding a new habit very soon. My biggest routine for in the a.m. is when the 5 a.m. alarm “BEEPS.” It is a tough one but my favorite one. It’s will power. I rise and turn on the lights right away. Next, I turn off my sleeping music and switch it to either motivational videos on the tube or just uplifting beats while I eat breakfast. Wait, I forgot to mention what I did directly after turning the lights on. I go pee! Woo hoo, then I make my bed. This believe it or not is mission-critical. Why you ask. Because, it will set the stage for the rest of your day. You have now successfully accomplished two amazing habits within the first 10 min of being awake. Success! Next, food. Must have food. Then 15-20 minutes of meditation. Another really cool habit! Immiedetly following that I walk a mile and a half around my neighborhood. Getting good exercise checked off the list along with all the previous ones before the phone starts beeping, chiming and reading. Speaking of the phone, I don’t even mess with it for the first hour and a half. The digital world is amazing, however; it is a huge distraction and will slow down your progress for the day. I am writing a “My habits and routines” blog as we speak so it will be out in a blog near you. Great question, now go take on the day! or night

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