Focus Danielson, focus! The ability to focus on what we do gets sabotaged by distractions. The distractions can be physical or mental. I remember a time where I was able to focus on something I wanted to do and before you knew it hours went by without any distractions. It is important for us to get our focus back. Wake up and develop focus!

Recognize distractions

We all know what our distractions are in daily life but what we need to do now is to recognize that we need to get back to the tasks at hand. The benefit of focus is that you will give it the attention it needs so that the end result is satisfactory. You can’t do your very best on something if you can’t give it the necessary attention to do it right.

It becomes fragmented. Focus, to many, means something negative. I have to “focus” on my work, my emails, my this, my that. Let’s try to get said focus on who we are and what we want. To do this we need to define our wants in life.

If the need for focusing is on our jobs then we need to prioritize where we need the most focus and go with it. Not all jobs have the ability to have a laser-like focus on all tasks based on inherent demands. Good companies honor the importance of productive focus so hopefully, you’re in that group. 

Set up routine

Additionally, we need to focus on bettering ourselves and our lives. The desire must be greater for this to work, so be clear and realistic with what you want to do. So let’s say you want to learn a new skill. Carve out a good time of day where it’s calmer than others. For me, it’s the first thing in the morning around 5 am. I know that the potential for distractions is less during this time period, so it affords me the opportunity to have a head start on what it is I want to focus on. Make sure to take breaks.

For the most part, I am able to have a good stretch of time where I am uninterrupted and I can focus on my task. I usually will have a few hours of in-depth attention to whatever goodness I am working on. It wasn’t always this way at all. Focusing for someone like myself is like a science project, but learning about myself over the past few years has given me a lot of clarity and understanding as to my habits of getting distracted. Wake up and focus!

Being able to develop focus will take time. Just like meditation, when the mind wanders it’s your job to recognize the distraction and bring it back in. Focus for many in this day in age will need to become a new habit. I was always like a spring bouncing here and there and everywhere, with bits and pieces completed. I have been training my brain to do the things I want and need with focus and I certainly feel way more accomplished in life.


I have been able to use some tools to help me develop focus.

-sometimes I listen to white noise

-sometimes I listen to instrumental music

-first thing in the morning and the distractions are less 

-I eat enough to where my stomach is satisfied. Being hungry is a quick way to lose focus.

-I make sure that whatever I need to do is in a comfortable setting for the long haul. If you can’t be comfortable then the mind will quickly wander.

Here are 15 more great tips to wake up and focus!


Our inattention has become the norm so it is our jobs to get back to focusing the tasks we want and need to do in life. You will feel better about the work you have put in.

What would you add to the list of tips to help others get and maintain focus and why?

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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