Humor does the body good so pass it on! Don’t be a Debbie Downer, just have a good laugh. Let’s face it there is an insane amount of laughing material going on lately. Ok, I will start.

The other day I was working on laundry and I took the laundry out of the washing machine and instead of putting it into the dryer, I put them right into the trash. I was like, “Damn, that’s some funny sh*t!” I got distracted and my brain went sideways for a moment. It was so freakin funny I promptly removed them from the trash and put them back in the washer for a do-over. Ya just gotta laugh!

Funny mishaps

These are the silly things in life we do that just make it better to laugh instead of getting upset. Have you ever accidentally got in the wrong car at the mall? No, I haven’t personally but my mom told me a story that she actually got in the wrong car and someone was in it. She quickly apologized to the occupants and exited stage left. Maybe some of this stuff I do is inherited, who knows. Lord help me!

Humor does the body good

I have met some people that are so straight-faced in their everyday life that it just becomes so uncomfortable being around them. It’s also very important to understand that we don’t walk in other people’s shoes and we don’t know what they have been through. That being said, I respect how people are but if we aren’t on the same wavelength then they just aren’t the people for me. No biggie, move on.

Pass on the humor

I have always loved making others around me laugh even at my own expense. It’s such a great feeling seeing others smile and laughing at my antics. Interestingly I believe that in many cases making others laugh is my own anti-depressant. Say no to drugs!

There are so many benefits to laughing and being humorous.

  1. Humor can help you problem-solve. It can help those creative juices to flow better. 
  2. Humor is said to reduce stress and I am a firm believer in it. Don’t live a stress-filled life as I did.
  3. Humor releases serotonin, the feel-good hormones in the brain. Keep that goodness going!
  4. Humor can help in difficult situations. Sometimes using humor around people that have anxiety can make it less uncomfortable for them. I am all about making people feel comfortable around me.
  5. Humor helps with cognitive functions as well. If you increase humor you can increase short-term memory retention. So go watch a hilarious movie and by the end, you should be on your way to bettering your cognitive abilities.
  6. Humor will help in your overall quality of life. Is there really a reason to be serious 24/7? I think not!
  7. Humor is an immune booster. Take two tablespoons of laughter several times a day and call me in the morning.
  8. Humor could be the substitute for anti-depressant meds. The more we find the humor all around us the better we will feel, so get on that train and get going!


Humor does the body good! Stop all the madness of being straight-faced with the mean mug look. It will only lead to a natural frown later on. Go find your life’s purpose and discover all the funny things in the world and go with it. I am off to Target with my Deadpool outfit on. Let’s see how long this works out for me without getting into trouble.

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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