We reach and strive to hit our goals but many of us fall short somewhere along the way. If the passion and desire are there to succeed then why do we stumble? Could it be that we don’t believe we can accomplish such a large goal? We should be paying attention to our previous successes and take a look at incremental development.

One of the things that I believe I struggled with early on was the ability to follow through. I had big ambitious ideas, but never had any substance or foundation to get them going. In part, it could have been due to my ADHD and lack of knowledge on how to learn. I do not like using the ADHD card as an excuse. I just didn’t know until later in life. What was needed was for me to develop a core way of learning.

To do this I had to completely eradicate my approach to learning and develop my own way. This was needed because the previous way wasn’t working. I wasn’t absorbing things effectively. Each of us learn and grow in our own unique way and it is up to us to start recognizing how that process goes. It is certainly a job of its own, but so worth it in the long run.

Learn how you learn and take notes of the things that get you to understand. For this, it is recommended to do a deep dive into your past and uncover your previous successes. This could be from previous work or life experiences. See what if anything worked in the past. There must be something there. Heck, even that volcano project in grade school! You remember that right?!

Take these little nuggets of goodness and put them into the incremental category. Small increments along the way of things that may have worked. Different approaches and strategies to get things going. Start mapping it out and recognize that you have been able to accomplish certain goals even if they were small.

The point is to give you the courage and belief that you can do it. Incremental steps will help you build the larger picture. It will help you develop a new mindset to be able to start a different approach to goal setting and achieving. Try to start setting smaller goals at first even if they are super easy to accomplish. Check them off!

You need the confidence to attack new goals and having incremental development, it will help you get there. It may take a while, but these things take time anyway. Don’t rush the process and certainly don’t try to take shortcuts. You will only be doing yourself a disservice. It will end up being a big tangled-up mess.

Once you have lots of little goals achieved then you can start ramping it up. Look back at your incremental accomplishments and realize that you now have a pretty good track record to pave your new way. 

*photos donated by my girl!*


Developing a new mindset for goal setting will be extremely helpful if you lack in accomplishing goals in life. What do you want? Be realistic and understand that hard work must come with it. No freebies here.


What is your next goal?

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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