What does it take to love and to be loved? Am I worthy? Like for real! Most of us ask this question because we have found ourselves at a loss. We have given our all and for some reason or another things just don’t work. But, have you really opened your heart fully? Ya gotta love wholeheartedly if you want the joys of true and lasting love.

My love story is pretty freakin cool actually! I told myself that to meet someone worthy of my love I was going to have to do something that I may have never done before which was to make sure there were no walls up around my heart. Like none whatsoever. None of the BS, “What happens if they hurt me?” Who wants to get hurt, hurt right?! “I’ll just leave the door cracked and that should be good.”

I knew in my heart that I couldn’t do any of that. For me to be loved wholeheartedly by another I would really have to go all chips in. As adults, some of us have been through a couple 2 or 10 relationships and we may have suffered a lot of emotional trauma from those experiences and we tend to shut the world out. It was important for me to be a complete open book from the very first moment. 

My mind was completely aware of what I needed to do. Leave the ego on the rack and be vulnerable and show that I am flawed, I have made mistakes in the past, but I didn’t want to repeat the cycle in any way shape, or form. My heart has always been pure and full of good intentions, so I believe in some way I was able to open my heart up right away.

This type of stuff is in-fact very difficult to accomplish because our brains always try to sabotage us with senseless information from our pasts. You know, the storytelling and making things up. We don’t have to do that anymore, especially if we want to be truly loved and for us to truly be able to love another. 

You absolutely have to recognize that you are worthy of love no matter what has happened in your life. Please let go of the past with complete faith that all will be ok. Even if it doesn’t work out at least you could say you did everything the best way you could. When we give unconditional love, we don’t set any parameters and that gives us the power to love others the way we want to be loved.

Be honest with yourself as to what you want from another. Don’t start saying all the things that you don’t want because that’s just dumb. You would only be focusing on the negative. Focus on all that freakin goodness that you want and deserve. It makes us feel better anyway, right?! My love is an eternal love and what I got because of it was the same. Magic happens when you can completely let go and love wholeheartedly!

This is dedicated to my eternal flame. My Doll Face! I love you wholeheartedly babe! Happy Anniversary!!!


If you give your heart to anything and everything you do in life you will find it much easier to receive someone else’s heart in the same fashion. Things can line up just like that! Do know that this whole thing about giving your love wholeheartedly may not work right away, because some of us really have a lot of internal work to do before we can accomplish it. You have to learn to love yourself first so that the other pieces may line up.


Do you love yourself wholeheartedly? Why or why not?

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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