Did you know that we all possess the ability to heal ourselves? It’s not some hocus pocus mystical potion. It is in our DNA. There are a lot of things that go into this and I am by no means a clinician, but I am learning a lot about it and I am currently working on healing myself. I have had a lot of medical issues for the past ten years and I have seen many doctors. Lots of stuff have been discovered but there are still a lot of issues that seem to be a mystery. 

I am on a journey from the center out to heal myself. It is very difficult but I am open to learning all about it. 

Here are 29 things that I have learned thus far:

1. We must learn and grow about ourselves. 

2. Understand who we are.

3. Understand what we like.

4. Understand what we don’t like. 

5. Know what we want. 

6. Know what we don’t want.

7. We need to know the things we don’t like but don’t focus on them. 

8. Focus on likes and wants.

9. What is wholeness to us.

10. Refocus how we live.

11. Have awareness.

12. Understand our bodies. 

13. Interact with the world around us (directly or indirectly).

14. Understand that we have inner challenges and outer challenges in life.

15. Learning forgiveness (for yourself and for others).

16. Stop sabotaging ourselves.

17. Recognizing past/current patterns. 

18. Understanding that our thoughts are our beliefs.

19. Know that we can’t control everything that happens but we can decide how we react to them. We usually go through cycles. 

20. Clean up our thoughts. 

21. We have a built-in medicine cabinet, we just need to learn what’s inside and how to use them.

22. You need to have a complete belief in what you’re doing and how you’re healing yourself.

23. You have to have something to believe in and have belief in yourself and your abilities.

24. Ask yourself if you are in “fight or flight” and if so how long have you been that way. Over time in the stressed out “fight or flight” mode we become used to it. It becomes our way of life.

26. Recognizing where/how we have been damaged is key because the more info we have of what is broken or tainted, the better we can find good and healthy solutions.

27. Understand that there is a process for growth. Learn about it.

28. Create a healing path. There is an opportunity to explore life in magical ways not previously seen.

29. When we heal we need to become something new and many times we must release certain aspects of the past.

Don’t get bound to one way of healing because many times we put blinders on and we lose sight of other possibilities or solutions to heal ourselves. Also in many cases, people are quick to release things and never truly comprehend how they affected us in the first place. Meaning, find and take some goodness out of it. There is goodness in everything. 

Goodness can mean that you even realized it in the first place. Viewing things as a crutch instead of seeing what the crutch did for you. ex: it allowed you to be more mobile and opened up new possibilities. Healing oneself shouldn’t mean getting back to a previous point in life because I believe that’s where many fail. Believe that you are creating a new path with healing yourself. Surrender the old, absorb the new.


We are mind, body, and spirit. We all deserve to be healthy and happy and we must be a part of it. If you aren’t a part of the solution, then you are a part of the problem.

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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