Have you evaluated your standards lately? For many of us, we seem to just cruise along through life with the same ole same ole mentality and just take things as they come. We need to really start raising our standards. Get your head out of the clouds and get back into the game.

standards: a level of quality or attainment.

How are you really doing?

Are you in good health? How are your relationships? What about your career? Are you happy? These are all very important questions we need to ask ourselves. It is time to reevaluate how things are going and start upping our standards. You have been on cruise control for way too long and you need to understand that you deserve more. More goodness, please. 

For us to start raising our standards we need to first take a real hard look at where we currently are. But wait, why do I need to raise my standards anyway? Well, if you are ok sitting idle then by all means please disregard. But if you know that you are capable of more in life and that you deserve good and healthy relationships, a great career, and great health then it’s up to you to get that ball rolling. 

Raise the bar and stop accepting less

When we start to believe that we deserve all these things then and only then can we start to raise the bar. Raising the bar means that we are elevating ourselves to a better position in our lives. Gotta get rid of the negative beliefs about yourself and stop putting others before yourself. You have to stop listening to the naysayers and go after your dreams. Many people will tell you that your dreams are unattainable and unrealistic. In most cases, that’s because those people have limiting beliefs about themselves. It’s not a direct reflection of you.

That’s on them. You can’t control what people say, but you can choose to position yourself to be around better quality people. Choose to be around people that constantly challenge themselves to do better. Learning and growing with like-minded people is a great start. You can one-up each other along the way. Raise the bar, raise your standards. Raise your standards of the type of people you hang around with. Do keep in mind its quality over quantity, so don’t just start ramping up on your peers.

Believe that you can and you will

For this to work you need to have a good quality of life. Get to as many good things that you enjoy and soon the other things will follow. No this isn’t exactly easy, but with determination, you will get there. You truly need to believe that you can and then you will. Each new day gives you the opportunity to keep moving the needle forward. Learn, fail, recover, and move on.

Here are a few tips:

If you are concerned about your health, then raise your standards. Start eating right. Start exercising. Start sleeping right. Your body is your vessel so take care of it.

If you are concerned about your relationships, then raise your standards. 

Start surrounding yourself with other like-minded people. Accept respectful and inspiring people into your life. Don’t settle for energy vampires just because you’re lonely. You deserve better.

If you are concerned about your career, then raise your standards.

Focus on what you want out of your working world. If there are things you need to accomplish first before you can get into that career then stop what you are doing and go after it. Learn and connect with others in that field. 

If you are concerned with your happiness, then raise your standards. What makes you happy? Do more of that. Don’t make excuses just recognize what are the things that will get you there and start ticking away. Remember that it’s not up to those around you to make you happy. No one can make you happy. It’s not their job, it’s yours and yours alone. Go get it!


If you find yourself in idle mode and dissatisfied with your world then it is up to you to reevaluate and start raising your standards. Raise your standards of the quality of those around you. 

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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