I am in service to help others. This is my calling and this is the code I feel I live by. Have you found your calling? I truly hope you have and that you are pursuing it each and every day. The reward is much grander than any money you may receive.

Being in service to others sounds kind of odd when I put a label to it but it really makes sense for me. All of my life that I can remember I have tried my very best to be helpful to others. I show up and I am there for them. It’s a full-time gig, not just an every now and then thing.

I believe it started way back in the year 19 something and I had joined the Boy Scouts at a young age. We learned how to do all sorts of cool things along with being a team player. We learned how to be team players and someone who is trustworthy and reliable that also help out the community as well.

Being a part of the community and being a part of the bigger picture was something I really enjoyed. That journey also led me to be a Red Cross Volunteer at a hospital. From then on I think I was really hooked on helping others the best way I could. Many times it was just to be present and listen to those in need. 

To be present and to listen to others is such a simple thing and believe it or not helps more than most would think. If we want to do this we have to try to remove judgement from it along with our egos. Judgement serves no purpose while trying to help others. It only makes people shut down and then we can no longer help.

I always want to be of service to others. I don’t ever want to become a selfish person. My belief is that we are all here to help each other out in many different ways. I want to inspire people to be the best version of themselves and I want them to know that they have all the tools they need already. Uncovering those tools is where I show up. 

The purpose of this blog post is for me to clarify to myself that I am in service to others and also to let others know what I do. I also want others to discover that they too can be of service to others. It doesn’t have to be in the same way. There are many ways for us to show up for each other.

If each of us does things to help others regularly I believe this planet would be in much better shape. Let’s connect with one another and grow. Pick each other up when we fall. Encourage someone to rise to the potential we see. Inspire for greatness. It is easy to do, just care about the world around us.

My ultimate goal is to become what many would call a motivational speaker or inspirational speaker. I want to help others on a grander scale. I have a lot of life experiences and I have been in self-development for about 7 years now. I think that the title I would ultimately like to hold is, Brain Expander! For some reason, I think it sounds super cool.

For years we all have heard of a motivational speaker, but it seems to sound too cheesy now. I shall now call myself a Brain Expander and hope that all of you can find my work beneficial to your lives and if I resonate with you maybe I can resonate with some of the people in your lives as well! If I do, please pass our website on to them! 

Thank you for being a part of Ridiculously Enjoy Life!!!


I am in service to others and I just want to make this world a better place for our children and their children in any way I can. Pass it on!


What do you do regularly to help others?

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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