Dealing with our emotions can always be difficult especially if we aren’t in tune with them naturally in the first place. Many of us grow up without really having a good grasp on what our emotions are and where they come from. I myself grew up not really understanding them, so it made it difficult as time went on.

I grew up in the 80s and it was very much a time of having to stop crying and suck it up. That was what the parents would tell their children. “Stop crying or I will give you something to cry about!” We just pretty much held things in until we could no longer handle them. That was/is never a healthy thing.

We are now in an age where people are recognizing the importance of mental health and well-being more and more. But we also have many more things that stir up our emotions as well. From all sorts of places, online, at work, and so on. 

You have to have an awareness of your emotions in the first place otherwise you would never truly understand what’s going on. It is time to do some work. 

How to deal with difficult emotions:

  • Identify the emotion. What is it and where did it come from? This is the type of stuff that really needs to have a label attached to it. The source.
  • Understand that it is okay to feel the way you do. Give yourself some time and space to feel. Each of us processes things in our own ways we just don’t want to be consumed by them.
  • Trust that there is nothing in this life that you can’t handle. It won’t be easy, but when you can truly believe that you can overcome anything it will give you a boost in the right direction. You will be able to handle the difficult emotions better. I promise.
  • Try to defuse the negative thoughts as quickly as possible. This does take a lot of practice, but over time and with patience within yourself things will be more manageable.
  • Life is a rollercoaster. Don’t expect to always be happy. Sadness and other emotions are a part of it. When you can focus on that fact you will realize that difficult times may come in phases. The ups and downs of life. If you were always happy you would never see it and the feeling wouldn’t be there. After the darkness, the light will come. I think I saw that one on a fortune cookie.
  • Practice gratitude and mindfulness. Don’t just practice this when you get your year-end bonus. Do this every single day. There is always something to be grateful for. I say this a lot, “There are always people that are wishing to be where you are in life no matter where it is. There are always people that are less fortunate.” 
  • Stepping back and taking a breather helps. When we are feeling overwhelmed it’s ok to seek out one of our healthy coping tools. Walking out in the sunshine, soothing sounds through a headset, or whatever helps you realign yourself.
  • Make peace with your emotions and don’t beat yourself up about how you are feeling. Admit what is going on and speak it out loud if it helps. Who cares if people think we’re crazy, right?! Maybe be a little cautious during your boardroom meeting though!


These are just a few ways to deal with difficult emotions better. Be patient with yourself and try to take notes of how you feel in each of your difficult times. It will always be good information.

What do you think would be good to add to this list? 

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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