We are now in a self-improvement/self-development world where many of us just feel overwhelmed by the amount of stuff thrown at us saying to do this or do that to make our lives better. Be better. There are so many resources available to us all the time that we just get burnt out and confused. The Ridiculously Enjoy Life website is also considered a resource.

Do we have to consume every book, podcast, documentary, seminar, and blog that arrives into our world? Nope, we sure don’t. We need to take things with a grain of salt. Be mindful of how much content we are digesting, because it won’t take long before we start feeling this false sense of being broken. I don’t think you are broken, maybe lost.

I am by no means a clinician, but I have enough life experience to understand the effects of overconsumption in any area of our lives. Too much really could mean too much. I want us to start looking at things more clearly. Understanding who we are at the core is super important and the absolute first thing that we need to get clarity on.

If you don’t really know who you are how could you possibly know how to improve yourself? Regardless of where we are in life, it is my firm belief that we should always be learning and growing. There is so much goodness in the world. Self-improvement is truly a good thing and we just have to carve a healthy path on how to accomplish it over time. It’s a lifetime gig, so get comfy!

Let us begin the self-improvement guide, shall we?

(Continued from Part 1)

Self-improvement Guide Part 2

Discover your purpose. Similar to finding out your why, uncovering your purpose is such a beautiful thing. My purpose is to be in service to others. I want/am being a part of the bigger picture which is helping others discover themselves. You need to have a better understanding as to who you are as an individual first and foremost otherwise you will never truly be able to discover what your purpose is. It won’t manifest properly. Get to work.

Learn how to manage your emotions. This is really important. Please do your very best to get your emotions in check. This means that you have to have a very good and clear understanding of how you deal with all sorts of situations. How do you receive information? How do you overcome obstacles? And probably most important which is how do you react to situations? If you know all of these you will be well on your way to progressing with your self-improvement. Do your very best every day to learn and grow with your emotions.

Foster healthier relationships. If you are subjected to toxic people for long periods of time you could quickly see how your self-image will suffer. The view of who you are and what you are capable of will be tested. Do you think you would be able to survive? Get yourself around better people. People who share your vision as best as possible. The negative and crazy people certainly need to take a backseat on the subway. That way you can get off and walk away from them! Hope it makes sense. 

Be present. When you are here in the present moment you are able to take more in of the goodness. When you are reminiscing in the past or taking long trips to your future that haven’t happened yet you can truly get lost in the dreamland. Dreaming is absolutely healthy but doing those long trips in fantasy won’t really help you with the here and now. Self-improvement is an ongoing live and in-color thing. 

Develop a growth mindset. Being able to have the understanding that you can learn and grow no matter what has happened to you in your life. It is a belief that you can improve your skills and your intelligence. You can modify your habits and your behaviors when necessary. Always evolve and grow. If you feel that your intelligence is as it is and always will be is considered to be a fixed mindset. Many people with this type of mindset will blame others for their lack of success with whatever happens to them and never progress.

Get rid of self-doubt. This is insanely difficult and I have to tell you it really may not ever go away. But being able to be kinder to yourself in moments of doubt will be very helpful to you. The more that this can happen the better you will be to yourself and you will certainly be able to develop more confidence. Self-doubt only hurts us in the long run. We could end up losing good opportunities by doubting ourselves. 

Understand that failure is a part of it. We are supposed to learn from failure. We are supposed to improve our methods when we make mistakes. If we don’t learn from mistakes then we will never grow as individuals. Developing a good relationship with our failures will help you rise to the occasion. We also become more resilient in the long run. Go the distance, fall, and then get back up and start again.

Continued on Part 3

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