Where the heck did our focus go? We are so distracted these days, but why? For many, our workloads have increased, day to day responsibilities have gone up, boredom, lack of fulfillment, and more. You can regain focus, but you first need to understand what are the things in your world that take your attention away unnecessarily. 

Electronics are not going anywhere

We subconsciously seek out distractions to give us the feel-good dopamine hits we so desperately crave. The devices we have overstimulate us so much so that there is an “app for that.” Apps to fill voids, fill time, and whatever. Dear God, I am the first to admit it.

Having ADHD is like being a human pinball machine. “Squirrel!” Yes, I can make fun of myself, but I have come a long way. Good and healthy habits go a long way toward redirecting your focus. I catch myself distracted and go back to it. Over time I get less distracted.

“Where focus goes, energy flows.” 

Don’t get me wrong I love technology. I enjoy using the devices in the way it was originally intended. As a toolbox. I use it for the resources that suit me like a little electronic Swiss Army knife. They have so many amazing things on them. Can you live without technology for a day?

Recognize being distracted

So, yeah I also get distracted by many of the other things available on them, but I am learning how to use them responsibly. Where the heck did my focus go? Smart Phone Responsibility 101 is now in session!

I personally, like many others are bound to the devices based on a feeling of need. Having an online business is a very tricky thing to have when you’re wanting to be focused on something other than technology. I have many tools that assist with the online business and each demand interaction to a certain degree. 

Get back to the goodness

I am now picking and choosing the things that assist me the best and take the least time. Not for shortcut purposes per se but for the ability to redirect my attention to what’s most important for me, Ridiculously Enjoy Life. Ridiculously Enjoy Life is my way of helping others because it’s one of my passions.

In the physical world, I was helping others so much so that I lost sight of myself and what I wanted. I now have learned to say no to things and that’s ok. By creating the online world, it affords me the opportunity to help others that want to succeed internally and externally as well, but not for me to not get bound completely where I don’t let myself do other things.

My focus can be aimed at the projects themselves and I make the decisions to better balance my time. If I stay on email and social media all the time, I will get sidetracked by other things. The distractions. The shiny objects to the left to the right and in the center and before you know it 5 hours have gone by and I haven’t done what I originally intended to. I know a lot of us are like this. Sometimes we realize it and other times we are oblivious. “Wait, when did it get dark?” 

We will get into more on focus and how to gain ground with it in a later post, including 15 useful tips that you can actually use.


Our lack of focus stems mostly from being overstimulated and overcommitted to other areas of our lives. It is our job to uncover the reasons why we aren’t currently able to dedicate the necessary focus on the things we want out of life. Once we discover them we will be better able to create a plan to minimize them as much as possible. Find a balance based on values. In most cases doing the things we truly love, we find we have no problems being laser-like focused. So prioritize to get more of that! 

What do you do to help stay focused on the things you want? Do you believe smartphones and computers make it difficult?

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