Here are more tips for planning your success. We continue with success! What a wonderful word. This word is only earned with hard work and dedication. For real, it’s not a given just because you want it. I am understanding that success is a skill that is fine-tuned over time. You have to refine your mindset in your pursuit of success. 

The reason is that along this journey you should have created and implemented new habits and once you accomplish them you will realize that your prior mindset may have been a little off or you need different actions. Just like skills. As you work on them and you get better, you combine your previous knowledge and experience with your new knowledge. This post will give you some good pointers to accomplish just that. Most of these will be applicable to both internal and external success.

There is no special order for your attack!  …and go! Continued from Part 1.

“Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.”

– Bruce Lee 

1. Track your progress.                                                                                               Get a checklist for your goals and if they have a timeline, add time increments in it so you know where you are and what you have left to accomplish. Visualizing how things are progressing gives you the opportunity to modify if necessary. It also tells you that you may need to pick up the pace. Remember, it’s ok to accomplish your goal early!

2. Nothing is impossible.                                                                                           For motivation, think of someone you look up to and see what cool things they have accomplished so you can feel that things we think are impossible are possible. We made it to space! If you think about how crazy that is you’ll know that we can do anything we go after.

3. Attitude. Be serious about what you want.                                                 Having confidence in what you do and showing it tells others that you are the real deal. People are more likely to have faith in someone who has their head held high and confident than someone who holds their head lower and doesn’t engage.                                  

4. Accountability.                                                                                                       Hold yourself accountable for your actions. The decisions you make can and will affect your longterm goals so be mindful of that. This is for yourself internally and externally. It is mature to be accountable for yourself.  

5. Don’t make excuses.                                                                                                Once you start that process, stop. Reflect for a moment of the reason you are making excuses. Excuses really have no purpose in of its own other than deflecting the responsibility. It truly may have been caused by an uncontrollable outside source, however, if you take ownership and redirect your energy you will learn to roll with the punches.   

6. Positive affirmations.                                                                                          It is kinda silly when you think about this. You see these people chanting out all these sayings and reasons for being grateful and happy, which seem totally ridiculous. They are. But there aren’t. They truly work and are truly inspiring. Go with that goodness regardless of how it appears. In its simplest explanation, saying good things makes you feel good. It makes you smile.  Smiling and being happy is so much better than being down and negative.  You know I am right, so get on board. Crack the damn smile and keep going. The more you do this the more you will feel better. Yes, things happen that are negative, however, you shouldn’t dwell on it. Seek the positive.  

7. Create a mission statement.                                                                                A mission statement according to Google is a formal summary of the aims and values of a company, organization, or individual. Find and define your purpose and direction. Mine is “The pursuit of excellence within.” I strive to do the very best I can in any and all areas of my life. Personal growth and development are key pieces for my journey.  

8. Get feedback.                                                                                                            It’s ok to get a reference and to look outside of ourselves for validation of what we are doing in life. Reflecting is good as long as it’s productive.  Having the right people around us is important. Don’t get feedback from the people you know have no vision. Take the info in and digest it the way that helps you. Not everything will fit and work from how others critique us.  

9. Be honest.                                                                                                                 Live authentically. If you have focused on the outcome and not the journey you will lose yourself. Your truth should be the guide for your direction in life. Stay true to yourself and don’t yield to the chaos of others.  

10. Remember why you started.                                                                            Feel empowered by your dreams and remember how you got excited about what you wanted in life. The passion. It is unrealistic to believe that what you started will be that yellow brick road all the way to its destination.  Rekindle that fire and move forward. As a good habit, do mental check-ins periodically to make sure you are still on track.   


Planning for success in anything requires a full commitment on your part to achieve your overall goal. Get started and create healthy habits that will be beneficial. I’m rooting for you!

What would planning for success tip would you add to this list and why?

*******Please respond to the questions here with us so we can learn and grow.  The good and the bad will help others recognize successes and failures in our own lives.  Thank you so very much!******

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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