Here are some impactful hacks to get you more productivity. We are naturally wired to take shortcuts at every corner, but I think these are the healthy and productive ones. I am not a big fan of shortcutting other things because at the end of the day we are the ones that are losing out. When it comes to learning how to be more productive and to have better time management processes I think it’s a good idea to get creative.

1.  One thing to do– Decide one thing you want to do each day. Like for real, this is an easy one. Don’t skimp out just set up at least one thing you would like to do and do it. And no this doesn’t mean you only do one thing, this just gives you a foundation for the day.

2.  Delegating– Figure out how much your time is worth to you and decide whether or not a task has value enough to do it. If you not you could delegate it. Example: having a housekeeper to take care of things that you really don’t like doing. What is the time worth to you?

3.  Two-minute rule– If it takes 2min or less do it immediately so you don’t have to add it to your to-do list or calendar. Coined by David Allen

4.  Pomodoro Technique– Developed for better productivity. Use a timer that is set for about 25 minutes then take a 5-minute break. After about four rounds of it take a 15-20 minute break. For many people, this is too short of a time period but the point is to fine-tune it to suit your world. Invented by Francesco Cirillo

5.  Time-boxing– For me I set up 45-minute rounds of work and then I take a 10-15 minute break. I have used this for several years and it works pretty well for my circumstances. This is another discipline that can be modified to suit. 

6.  Systems– In most environments creating a set of systems can truly keep you productive. Add and remove things when needed and make sure you streamline as much as possible. Please know that having too many different types of systems and constantly seeking more shortcuts can end up confusing you and potentially adding unnecessary processes.

7.  5 Second Rule– If your steak falls on the floor you have less than 5 seconds to pick it up and eat it or else! Ok, I am kidding! Ha This rule is used for quick, fast, and in a hurry decision-making. By counting down 5 to 1 you are committing to do a certain task. Example getting out of bed when you are dog tired to get your day started. Created by Mel Robbins

8.  5 min Rule– to help you get started on something. Many people have hobbies they would like to do or start. You can set a timer for 5 minutes and say that’s all you are going to do for that day. In many cases, you exceed the time because you are enjoying whatever the activity is. Then you can implement that into your lifestyle.

9.  Time-blocking– time management where a period of time, usually a day or week is divided into different blocks for any set of specific tasks or goals. The calendar is used for adding specific to-dos or tasks.

10.  Calendar– Make this a visual accountability partner. When you see too many days empty it’s time to input some new things in there. It could be anything. How about making time to see the world around you. Yes, you need to make time for that as well, especially for many of you entrepreneur peeps. 


To stay on track it’s a good idea to save some time wherever you can and having some cool hacks will go a long way for you. Pick and choose the ones that will help you. Not all will work and that’s ok. Let’s get going!


What two productivity hacks would you add to this list?

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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