Are you indecisive when it comes to making decisions in your life and you’re not sure why? Do you constantly seek clarity? Perhaps you don’t feel like you know what to do about a big decision. Big decisions that could potentially have a big impact on your world can weigh heavily on you. Staying up all night, analyzing everything, looking into the future, rewinding to your past, contacting friends and family to run the situation by them, and kicking your feet around with uncertainty. Stop, and let’s find clarity.

clarity: the quality or state of being clear

When people feel they need to find clarity, they most often feel the need to turn to an outside source for the magical answer. Others will internalize and try to work through the clutter in their brains. Believe it or not, most of us already have the solution, but for whatever reason, we may doubt our abilities to execute big decisions. Why do we seek tools elsewhere when all we have to do is look in our own toolboxes? I believe we should all do our best to get clarity on our own at first and if it’s something that we have never faced, then by all means get some good and reliable help.

Clear your mind

To gain clarity on situations we first need to clear out our mind of the unnecessary stuff. This is a great opportunity to do some meditation. Next, let’s take a step back and look at the bigger picture without external sources. Give yourself the opportunity to take in different angles. Doing this will help get potential outcomes. Write them down. Seriously, get that pad and paper. Create a simple pros and cons list.

You need to have faith in yourself and your abilities. Trust your gut. Also, a really cool psychological trick I use on my mind is flipping a coin. For example, to move to an island that you have considered. Most people get the concept of the coin toss as a FINAL answer. Well, guess what? When you flip that coin and you see what has surfaced, your brain can get excited or sad based on the results. If you were sad that it landed on tails and tails was the selection to stay then this gives you some clarity about the situation. Paradise island here we come!

You laugh but I personally have made some pretty big decisions using this method. Of course, this is only applicable to situations with two outcomes. If you have more than two then I can’t really help with that one yet! Math wasn’t my subject! Take the time to develop new and healthy habits.

Some helpful tips to find clarity:

(no special order)

  • Meditation. Get that brain as calm and centered as possible.
  • Write it down so that you have as much info as possible. Did you get that notebook out yet?!
  • Take action right now while it’s still fresh in your mind. You don’t need to have 100% clarity yet. Many times just starting the process will help.
  • Understand that clarity is a decision that’s internal. Don’t wait for the heavens and the universe to text you the answer! 


When we need to get an understanding of a situation, turn inwards using the tools that you already have first. Getting clarity doesn’t mean that you need other people’s approval. If it’s directly related to you and your life then take the action needed. Your happiness is most important. Internalize, reflect, but don’t over-analyze it because once your start that you will add a bunch of things to the mix that truly has no value to the decision at hand.

What tips would you add? What helps you gain clarity?

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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