The Cumulative Effect – How Small Positive Habits Every Day Change Your Life. Each day we struggle from the day before. Our dreams and our goals are right there in front of us yet we feel we can’t reach them. We work really hard to achieve them but they just feel so distant from us.

The Cumulative Effect:

 an effect produced by something happening over a long period of time.

(Source: Webster Dictionary)

When we create a big life goal it won’t just materialize. That’s not really realistic. We need to put in a lot of hard work and we have to be dedicated to the outcome we are looking for. Not everyone has the Genie hanging around them to make things poof. That would be cool, but then on that note, it wouldn’t feel rewarding. Goals could take a really long time depending on the scale of them. 

So now we have a big goal, that’s great! But now we need to create or fine-tune some of the habits. Good habits. Habits also take time to develop and cultivate. It’s very important for you to not give up though. We also may need to get rid of some potentially old bad habits that may get in the way of our progress. That could also be tough. 

Small positive habits every day can and will change your life. The crazy part is that we may not see the changes because we are right there with it daily. They are incremental. These things will take time. It’s like a flower blooming. It takes some time to grow and bloom into something beautiful and vibrant. 

Once you understand this it should make it a little bit easier. As we are going we can look back at the very beginning and see some changes. Hopefully big ones, but if not recognize that you have put in the time and work. The small incremental actions are moving you forward each day. You have adopted good and healthy habits. You are on the right track. 

We also need to be honest with ourselves if things aren’t working and we aren’t seeing marginal progress. If this occurs then it may be time to reevaluate our goals and to be completely honest with ourselves. Have we truly put in the work? Have we created the good habits? Sometimes we need to abandon the burning ship. I really don’t like saying things like that at all.

There could be times that it is just time to hang it all up. A good example is when they developed the CD and we were all using the cassette tapes. After a while, it was no longer relevant. This is what I am talking about. Although on the other hand, it is said that many people give up on something right before it comes to fruition. How do we know that it could have happened?

I think that where there is a will there is a way. If your dreams mean that much to you you can and will make them come true. I am rooting for you! My dreams are coming true each and every day. In my situation, they are taking longer than I would like, but I am trusting the process and I am doing my very best each day to move the needle forward. Forward is good! Please stop the when and then thing.


Sleep, nutrition, and exercise. These are all great ingredients to a healthier life. If you have all of these in check you will fair better than if you didn’t. They are very important. Get these going and get your good habits developed.


The Cumulative Effect is a process that takes time. It could take a long time, but doing your part will go a long way. If you don’t well then you will have no one to blame but yourself. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back in the game.

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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