Stop saying, “it is what it is!” Why, because it’s toxic. This is something I said for many years and up until a few years ago I finally stopped saying it. I have eradicated terms like these and others such as “fake it till you make it.” They are just words what’s the big deal?

I have been paying attention to the things that I say and what emotion is behind them. This my friends took a long time to fully comprehend. Lots of internal work goes into knowing what stories you tell. Mainly because you have to truly be aware of it and its connotation.

What am I speaking out loud and how do I respond to situations? Sometimes I will catch myself and wonder what the effects could be. When I would say, “it is what it is” the emotion of giving up was with it. That feeling of impending doom was at the forefront. It didn’t matter what the situation was. 

Observe and report

Pay close attention to those around you who say it often and you will notice a crazy pattern of self-sabotage and lack of drive. Not all of course, but you get what I mean. It’s always easier to observe others because we are so predisposed to judge. Start there! I know this isn’t the standard motivational chat. I always want you to turn inward for growth. This will help you start that process so just go with it!

As you start paying attention to what is being said you will see that many will always play the victim role. Nothing ever goes right so it is what it is. Afterward, there is no plan of attack on their end to correct, resolve, or move past whatever has occurred. I just don’t think that’s a good thing.

Install an internal word thermostat

I am a firm believer of course in letting go of things beyond our control so please let me make that perfectly clear. However, if it is within our grasp and control then it is up to us to do the work to get through it. Don’t give up, rise to the occasion. There is always some takeaway that can help us with the next situation. We should always be aware of how we react because it truly can just snowball out of control.

Do the necessary work on understanding who you are internally. It is the hardest work for most but will be well worth it in the long run I promise. It was/is the most complex yet rewarding thing I have done. Self-work should never have time off, but understand you aren’t broken. There’s nothing wrong with you. Once you have your core internal foundation then you can progress in life!

I would like to say that it is our journey of evolution so it doesn’t sound like those Jaguar cars in the 80’s. Those damn cars were always broken and in the shop. I think you can get them for like $100 now. HA Perhaps you need a new phrase you could replace it with such as, “No worries, I got this!” Say good things about yourself.


Pay attention to the words you say, stop saying, “it is what it is” and stop throwing in the towel. Believe me when I say, “You got this!” because you do. We are here as a community and we will help remind you of why you started. Wait, what did you start and why did you start it? If you don’t tell us how can we help be your accountability partner? SMILE and tell us below.

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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