Do you feel you are an imposter? Avoid suffering from imposter syndrome. Many of us go through life suffering from self-esteem issues. This can stem from early childhood traumas or a lack of emotional support. The feeling of not being competent enough in your career or personal life can lead to imposter syndrome. 

Learning how to be confident

I personally have had rollercoaster periods in my life where I had doubts of my abilities to being extremely confident and everywhere in between. How could this happen? One day you are full of confidence and know your value to another where you feel as if you aren’t qualified for your role. Luckily, I have learned through the years about how I approach situations and how to give myself pep talks to bring me back to my A-game.

The imposter syndrome is really feeling as if you are a fake, fraud, and phony, and that others will find out. Many very successful and intelligent people end up at some point or another feeling this way depending on the environment they are in. When you are at a big business conference, rubbing elbows with others that you feel are more intelligent, more  successful, or more capable, it can do a number on your brain. 

At times you feel down about things and doubt yourself and your abilities. You may fear that you don’t live up to the expectations of others. You may also berate your performance in your career as just dumb luck, and attribute your success to external factors.

This self-sabotage is very toxic to the mind. Over time you could just stop striving for your goals and give up. Be patient with yourself.

Over working due to fear

On the other side of the imposter syndrome, you could fear things so much that you may end up working way harder so that no one finds out that you are a fraud. Your mind will play tricks on you and you can end up with extreme anxiety issues that were completely unnecessary. You then internalize everything and use up good energy on stressing over how others perceive your abilities.

Your thought process needs to be revamped for the purposes of recognizing that you are fully capable of doing anything you set your mind to. I bet you are very good at what you do. I bet deep down you know it as well. Stop self-sabotaging yourself and let go of the feeling that you are an imposter. If you truly are an imposter, then I suggest you take the time to give yourself a wake up call. Discover how you got that way and work on strengthening yourself. Strengthen yourself to be a genuine individual with good and healthy core values and morals.


Don’t struggle in silence with the imposter syndrome. Get to know who you are, what you want in life, and be the person you want to be. If you are already the person you want to be then let go of any self-doubt. We already have so many criticisms in this world, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and always keep your chin up. You got this and you are not an imposter. 

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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