Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. We have so many potential opportunities that arrive right in front of us and we may not always seize them, because we are feeling uncomfortable. The what-if thoughts show up in full force ready to break us down. The mind is a beautiful thing, but many times it leads us astray to protect us. The prehistoric mind doesn’t like change. 

News Flash: we are no longer cave people.

Do you find yourself hesitating when new and different challenges surface? Don’t feel bad, it’s built into our DNA. You just have to learn to get comfortable with being uncomfortable for the purposes of moving forward in exciting ways. First, we really need to tap into our current brain and see if we struggle with change. Some people live their whole lives in the same job, same town, and the same routine. Believe me, I understand the thought of stability. 

Being stable doesn’t have to mean the same ole same ole though. With proper planning and creating new habits in life, you can carve a great path for yourself. If you always shy away from the possibilities, you may never know your true potential. Luckily for me, having A.D.D. literally forces me to get in the driver’s seat of discomfort. The funny thing with that is that by the time I realize that I am in an uncomfortable situation, the time has passed and I am at ease with whatever crazy thing I just got myself into.

I believe that a big characteristic trait someone needs to become comfortable with discomfort is confidence. Things will change and evolve regardless so the whole safety net really isn’t a guarantee. Embrace the thought of the unknown. There are so many cool things on the other side of fear. 

You need to be self-aware and you need to understand that you can shape and mold things as you go. No, it’s not easy. It will however get easier and more enjoyable. What’s the point in staying comfortable in life? It’s like having a crystal ball and seeing what’s ahead. Forget that, let me see what I am capable of! What are you capable of?!

Tips on How to Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

  1. Be aware of your thoughts when new opportunities or situations arise. This will help you understand your present moment better. 
  2. When you start feeling uncomfortable, don’t shy away from it. (unless it is a dangerous situation, then you may want to proceed with some caution) Tell yourself, “I need to embrace the change.”
  3. Tap into the thought of being courageous and look to the possibilities with positivity.
  4. Know that the more you get into uncomfortable situations, the better and more at ease you will be. It’s a numbers game! 
  5. Take on more things that you have never done. By learning something new as often as you can, you will start gaining more confidence. That way when uncomfortable situations happen, you will be more prepared to take it on.


Each day we are met with new challenges in life, regardless of where you are. Learn to recognize opportunities by being open to them. Once you understand that discomfort is inventible, you can get the mindset of embracing the changes. New and exciting things are coming! 

What was your most recent uncomfortable situation and how did you handle it?

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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