Persistence and perseverance are the staples of getting things done in life. The challenges of being a persistent person are extremely high. When something is extremely important to you, it is your job to see it through no matter what. What is your dedication to the cause? Think about it.

persistence: firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.

Persistence is the choice to continue through something, in spite of difficulty and opposition, and struggle to achieve that certain goal. 

Perseverance is the continuation of commitment through action in spite of the lack of success. 

Learning how I process things

On my journey of becoming everything, I can be for the past 5 years or so now I have learned more about how I tackle things. I have analyzed my processes throughout and adjusted my reactions. When I am working on a big goal that means a lot I give myself a pep talk ahead of time for inspiration. I can do anything I want to do. I have that confidence in my abilities.

You need to adopt a certain mindset to achieve your goals. You will get tired and get off track from time to time and that’s ok. Just as long as not too much time goes by before you get back to it. But this is for the extremes. For persistence and perseverance to prevail we must fight and fight hard daily to keep going even when we don’t think we have the strength. 

It’s ok to stumble

There are lots of days that I seem to stumble due to whatever I have going on. This day in time is still pretty chaotic so it seems to make sense. But I have stopped looking at it negatively. When my mind wanders thinking about things that are going on, I tend to shift the thoughts toward how I want them to be.

That’s my inspiration to move forward. I have the discipline and diligence to get my goals accomplished no matter what. If you don’t have the mental discipline to push through then you have to develop it. It starts with the desire, so get on that.

Just keep pushing

Once I recognize that I am off track I push and push to regain ground. I pay attention to what my strengths are and then I attack them first. I will then edit, edit, edit along the way. I have to keep that needle moving forward no matter what. Even if they are small incriminates. Moving is progress.

My persistence is my desire to succeed. My perseverance is the thought of how well I am at being persistent. It’s a cool little cycle. Come up with your own strategies to accomplish things. Make it a core value within you and always stick to it. Being persistent is a real mindset and you should apply it in every single area of your life. 

Tips on how to be persistent and have perseverance:

Develop strong habits– People who are persistent understand how difficult it is to constantly keep pushing forward so having some really strong habits towards accomplishing goals will go a long way.

Believe in yourself– Having self-confidence is important towards being persistent in your goals because if you have the belief that you can do things, the less time you will be doubting the process.

Adaptability– Be adaptable to whatever comes your way because when certain things don’t go the way you want, you can adjust your thoughts thus keeping you in the game.

Be committed– Stay true to your goals and give it your all. If it’s something that you really want to do then realize that where there’s a will there’s a way.


To become persistent and to have perseverance you first must adopt a new mindset. Find your inspirations and become dedicated to your cause no matter what. You got this! 


What cool things would you add to the list?

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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