Avoid becoming materialistic. Materialism, I believe is a key factor as to the lack of internal success that most are suffering from during this time period. Why have we latched on to the desire of having the latest and greatest whatever? Our society has become a disposable one and we dispose of everything. Sadly, I believe our relationships with others have also suffered because of this.

We first need to comprehend what materialism is 

Materialism: a tendency to consider material possessions and physical comfort as more important than spiritual values. A preoccupation with or stress upon material rather than intellectual or spiritual things.

In many cases, the desire to acquire a bunch of stuff is rooted in some type of void in someone’s life. “Yeah, the void of that 100 inch TV in my living room!” Ok, seriously it could mean that it’s a way of self-soothing. You just got dumped and now you will take your emotions to the store and purchase some new items in hopes of feeling better. We all know this really has a very limited life span but we do it anyway. Overtime the self-soothing by constantly wanting to purchase things become a way of life. A part of the personality.

Look at me

Having a lot of things is also a way of trying to emulate a status. People like to be noticed and also like to be admired by others. We display to the world that we have all these things in hopes of getting attention. Upon reflecting on materialism during this time period, I have realized that it has already been with us for ages and ages. Take a look at how Kings have lived. Flashy and in your face as to their status within the kingdom. I think I will stay a humble Jester. 

Don’t get me wrong I certainly like cool stuff, but I am aware of those values in a different way. For starters, I don’t allow things I own to end up owning me. The Lamborghini? That’s because I enjoy the art, the styling, and the power! We need to be able to realize differences between whether we acquire things to impress others or is it truly something that we care about. Too many kids today saying, “I wanna get that Apple ________!” Well, why do you want it? Most can’t really tell you why, but cousin Suzie said: “I had to have it otherwise I am a nobody.” 

My oldest daughter told me that kids at school make fun of other kids that don’t have certain things. That part also hasn’t changed much since I was growing up either except the price tags. When I was younger it was maybe a $10 or $20 toy, but now it’s like a $1000 cell. CRAZY! We need to teach our kids the value of life’s experiences are way better than the latest gadget. But we must practice what we preach and be able to have that same mentality for ourselves. No, it’s not as easy as that. Materialism is everywhere

5 Ways to Avoid Becoming Materialistic: 

(in no particular order)

Connect with others

Finding other like-minded people to share life’s experiences will go a long way to curb the whole materialism thing. The more you spend time with friends and family doing fun things, the less you will feel the need to go make a bunch of purchases just to sit alone in your home. 

Start giving

When you start helping others you find that it’s almost addictive or at least that’s how I feel. Giving to others brings a smile to my face because I know that I am making a difference in people’s lives. The more this happens the less I feel I need things. Find your life purpose.

The stuff you have doesn’t make you a better person

We are defined by who we are inside instead of objects. It’s ok to have things but don’t let those objects rule you. People will only see the stuff you have and not you as a person. This also leads to fake people wanting to be your friend. 

Get rid of stuff

Start downsizing on a lot of that unnecessary stuff. If you don’t use the items and they have no emotional value to you, let them go. (emotional value as in items with sentimental value from loved ones) Minimalism is a great way to go. Less wasteful things and fewer headaches. 

Redirect financial priorities

Spend the money on good causes, cool adventures, or save for the future. Be a part of solutions in your life that will have greater impacts, because the smiles and memories are amazing! Getting that latest and greatest certainly won’t have much impact on your overall happiness and a short time will pass and then on to the next item. 


 As we go through life we acquire and lose material possessions that could give us the feeling that we are defined by them. Becoming bound to material possessions for the sole purpose of wanting can create a cycle in your life. Having possessions of function and purpose are better than those that don’t. Find your purpose in life and go with that because then you will be able to decide what are the most important things to you. I have learned that I truly enjoy experiencing life without the need or desire for material possessions. Material possessions are no longer needed as a comfort or coping mechanism.

What other ways can you redirect yourself from becoming a materialistic person?

***********Please respond to the questions here with us so we can learn and grow.  The good and the bad will help others recognize successes and failures in our own lives.  Thank you so very much for being a part of this!**********

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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