12 Reasons Why Saying No Will Improve Your Life (#237)

We have to learn how to simplify our lives where it matters the most. Many of us haven’t learned some of those important skills and we navigate life on cruise control just hoping to not crash into that hypothetical wall. Let’s get our hands back on our own wheels, shall… Continue reading

Planned Obsolescence (#236)

Are we making too many products that will be obsolete within a short period of time? Yep, we sure do. We have become such a consumer-driven society that things are constantly changing and supplies are being depleted at an extreme pace. Planned obsolescence has been around for decades now. Our… Continue reading

The 5 Stages of Grief (#234)

This is a follow-up to my previous post about how to potentially show up for someone who has been given the news that they are terminally ill. I am hearing about so many people who are battling so many illnesses at such young ages and I just want to be… Continue reading

12 Practical Tips for Being More Present in the Moment (#232)

Do you feel that you are always elsewhere and never take advantage of being in the present moment with your friends and family? Many of us are off into another dimension using our minds as time machines. Your thoughts either in the distant future or remembering the good old days…. Continue reading

18 Ways To Boost Your Self-Esteem (#230)

With self-esteem at an all time low it’s easy to see why so many people are feeling blue for long periods of time. We can change this but it will take a lot of hard work. Yep, it’s that time again to put in lots of effort. Don’t worry, it… Continue reading

Become A Better Listener (#228)

Are we really good listeners? It seems that we are more and more distracted by so many things that it’s amazing we still have our heads attached! If you want to be a better listener this should be a really great post to help you. And if you are already… Continue reading

21 Thankful Quotes To Get You Inspired (#226)

To all you beautiful and amazing people out there I would like to share some quotes that hopefully will help you through the year and beyond. These are quotes that are geared towards being thankful. It doesn’t matter where you are in life there is always someone who is praying… Continue reading

Rephrase What You Say (#225)

Rephrase what you say. While I’ve been on this internal journey for almost a decade now I realize more and more the importance of dialogue. Internal and external. What we say to ourselves and to others really does make a difference. Many authors have written this important rule in their… Continue reading

The Coin Toss (#223)

Wanna flip a coin? The coin toss is a legendary decision-maker that most can’t argue with. There is really no point in arguing, it is fair. It can make things fair or help make a decision. Usually, the argument is how it lands or if the coin was loaded. Loaded,… Continue reading

Suicide Awareness & Suicide Prevention (#220)

We are quickly approaching the Holiday’s in the U.S. and many are feeling extreme sadness. During this time of year, many feel lonely, isolated, judged, and confused. This sadness can be so intense that they may be thinking of committing suicide. They want to end their lives.  Suicide is on… Continue reading