For many years I hoped and prayed for things to happen that I want or need in my life. I never had the goodness and substance besides a powerful urge behind it. Where I messed up was that I was constantly obsessed about the end result and not how the heck it was even going to arrive. That whole, Poof here it is mindset. Manifesting over hoping is where it should have been.

Don’t get me wrong, I am of the belief that if we don’t have hopes and dreams what do we have? The trick to this is to manifest it yourself. Get your brains fired up and get your hands dirty! Last I heard the whole Genie in the bottle thing is a really cool mythical being for stories. It’s time for you to write your own. I do still have a Genie in my story, but mine is way cooler. He’s like a business partner. Do I need to include him on taxes?!

manifesting: the practice of thinking aspirational thoughts with the purpose of making them real. 

The point is that we must always apply ourselves for our end results. We need to have our hands all in to get to where we want. No riding on coattails here. Get excited and think about what it is you truly want then start taking the steps to get to it. When we think about it, visualize it then we can make it happen.

Here are two super cool videos that will help you get going in the right direction.

Mel Robbins

Joe Dispenza

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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