We’ve heard this many times through the years. But most of us recognize it in the scientific point as it relates to the Universe and all of that cool stuff. In this post, we will discuss cause and effect as it pertains to Ridiculously Enjoy Life. This will be the remix!

Let’s break it down, shall we?! Cause is the action. The what happened. The effect is the consequence of that action. Every action produces a reaction no matter what. There is a causality.

Do we do or do we do not!

Ridiculously Enjoy Life wants us to really dig into the things we do. Our thoughts play an equally important role in what we do. Our journeys are all different in many ways. You may have something driving you in a certain direction that may differ from mine. This is our why. Why are we doing what we do?

It is really mission-critical to understand the foundations of what we think and do because it can and will have a consequence. Each of the decisions we make will have a ripple of what’s to come. Our very thoughts produce an energy so powerful that there will be results from it. 

For example, let’s say someone thinks, “Hey, maybe I need to get a gym membership and start working on getting physically fit.” That one thought will generate new thoughts that will lead to an action. Interestingly enough, that one thought about getting said membership isn’t a guarantee that someone will actually go to the gym. They could just stall on it all together. 

Get off the couch and do something.

No action is actually an action. You can either decide to be lazy or to be productive. They didn’t go to the gym because perhaps they weren’t motivated enough. The mind is now working. Should they go or maybe they should go out drinking beers with their buddies? That decision created an effect. Who knows that person could have gone out drinking and drank so much and it could lead to a drinking problem.

It doesn’t really matter what they decided, whatever the cause of the decision was it made them do something about it or not. If we can start looking at things in a different light we may start developing more courage to make better decisions for ourselves. 

We don’t want that original thought of getting a gym membership to go dormant in the back of our brains. That thought could get lost in procrastination mode! If we act on the thought quickly because we know it is truly beneficial to our overall health and well-being, it could lead to us making better decisions in our lives down the line. That mentality can help us in the next cause and effect situation. “If I do this, then that good thing can happen,” and so on. 

I hope this makes sense. If we know the decisions we make can have good consequences then maybe we will try to start making it a habit. Once we have this good habit then it could turn into a characteristic trait. It will be a part of who we are and that will help us on our journey’s moving forward. Developing a growth mindset will go a long way!


Each of our actions or inactions will have consequences in our lives. Do your very best to learn how this works for you. If you use it correctly you can start making better decisions for yourself. Use it as a tool. It is there for you to learn. Learn something today. Do something. 


Tell us in the comments below of a cool cause and effect situation that you can remember. Share with us!

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