“I don’t have enough time in the day to do the things that I want!”How many times have you heard this or have actually said it yourself? I bet a lot! Time is very, very important and many of us just don’t use it the way we should. In this post, we address time vs money. 

That costs how much?

Time vs money. Things that we want to do in most cases cost money. We also hear, “I don’t have enough money to do the things that I want.” The battle and balance of time and money is as old as the creation of money way back in 600 BC or so it has been written in some random cave. Ha.

Time is finite and it cannot be controlled, money can. We can however manage our time better so that it isn’t spent needlessly. Well, maybe a little. There are so many things we need to do that take time up time that we may not actually want to do. Cleaning our houses, laundry, sitting in traffic, and so on.

Something that I have been thinking a lot about lately is this whole balance of time vs money. This is a broad topic and so to keep in line with this post I am referring to having to do things that we may have to do, but don’t want to do. The money is used to save us our precious time. 

You can do it!

This is accomplished by goods or services in exchange for the time we would have spent doing the things we don’t want to do. Many people aren’t fans of mowing their lawns for example and don’t like spending their time doing it. To maximize our time and to have more of it to do other things that we enjoy we can pay someone else to do these menial tasks for us. Sometimes money can buy happiness.

“The meaning of life is just to be alive.

It is so plain and so obvious and so simple.

And yet, everybody rushes around in a 

great panic as if it were necessary to

achieve something beyond themselves.”

-Alan Watts

Now on the other hand this could be tricky for some because they may not have the money to pay for those services. We will have to figure these things out along the way. To start we could maybe create a list of things that we really want to sub out and then make a plan. 

We can get super creative with this part and go old school with bartering one of our skills to trade for the service. You may have something that you do that you could trade for. Where there’s a will there’s a way. You never know unless you try.

How important is your time? I want to start making more conscious efforts on how I spend my time. This will only be achieved when I take stock of where my time goes in the first place. I can assure you there will be room to adjust as I go.

Something else you can consider along the time vs money thing, stop trading your time for money. Get to a point where you can make your money work for you. This won’t happen overnight, you’ll really need to work on this for a stretch of time.


Time is finite and we don’t get it back. Be smart about what you spend your time on. It is your life so choose wisely! Get to work! Or don’t!

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About ridiculouslyenjoylife

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