Motivational Videos For 2024 (#229)

Each year I like to share some motivational videos to hopefully help and inspire you on your journey. Some may speak to you, some may not and that’s ok. Take the good ones with you throughout your year. Listen to them when you may feel blue. Listen to them when… Continue reading

Become A Better Listener (#228)

Are we really good listeners? It seems that we are more and more distracted by so many things that it’s amazing we still have our heads attached! If you want to be a better listener this should be a really great post to help you. And if you are already… Continue reading

You Have To Grow Through What You Go Through (#227)

We all live our lives with ups and downs with many twists and turns, but it’s how we rise up that’s the most important thing. We have to grow through what we go through. Don’t let the lows of your life define who you are.  I have been through so… Continue reading

21 Thankful Quotes To Get You Inspired (#226)

To all you beautiful and amazing people out there I would like to share some quotes that hopefully will help you through the year and beyond. These are quotes that are geared towards being thankful. It doesn’t matter where you are in life there is always someone who is praying… Continue reading

Rephrase What You Say (#225)

Rephrase what you say. While I’ve been on this internal journey for almost a decade now I realize more and more the importance of dialogue. Internal and external. What we say to ourselves and to others really does make a difference. Many authors have written this important rule in their… Continue reading

How To Break Bad Habits (#224)

To break bad habits we first need to understand where and why we developed the habit in the first place. For many of us, we have created bad habits as coping tools that truly serve us no good and in many cases can be self-destructive. Do you want to break… Continue reading

Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset (#221)

Your mindset is one of the most important sets of beliefs you will ever have. It will define how you see and feel the world around you. The brain can truly have an effect on how you behave. It is extremely fascinating. Fixed mindset vs growth mindset.  In the past,… Continue reading

I Am In Service To Help Others (#219)

I am in service to help others. This is my calling and this is the code I feel I live by. Have you found your calling? I truly hope you have and that you are pursuing it each and every day. The reward is much grander than any money you… Continue reading

How To Deal With Difficult Emotions (#218)

Dealing with our emotions can always be difficult especially if we aren’t in tune with them naturally in the first place. Many of us grow up without really having a good grasp on what our emotions are and where they come from. I myself grew up not really understanding them,… Continue reading

Self-Improvement Guide Part 3 (#217)

We are now in a self-improvement/self-development world where many of us just feel overwhelmed by the amount of stuff thrown at us saying to do this or do that to make our lives better. Be better. There are so many resources available to us all the time that we just… Continue reading