Don’t Get Stuck in Analysis Paralysis (#272)

Do you find yourself always stalling when making important decisions? Most of us these days have so many things going on we can barely keep track. If we wait too long to decide we could end up losing out or making a wrong decision. Don’t get stuck in analysis paralysis…. Continue reading

Get Off Your Butt and Develop Self-discipline (#271)

Self-discipline is extremely important for us to learn about as we progress with inner success. Many believe that it is mainly observed with different roles that we have in society such as law enforcement, security, and our military personnel. Yes, in these types of careers, it is a key ingredient,… Continue reading

Expectancy Theory of Motivation (#270)

I am learning so very much each and every day and I am always evolving. There is something to be said about internal growth. My journey has been absolutely amazing with lots of twists and turns. Do I expect great results based on my motivation? Yes, I do! This week… Continue reading

You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks (#269)

There is a saying that you can not teach an old dog new tricks. I have heard this my entire life and it really never made any sense to me. All these poor old little dogs think that they can’t learn a new trick! So sad. I am here to… Continue reading

The Happiness Formula (#268)

Each of us strives throughout our lives trying to be happy. Happiness is a key ingredient for a beautiful life. But how do we attain a beautiful life? In this blog post, we discuss the magic formula! One thing that is very important to fully understand is that happiness in… Continue reading

Tips to Improve Your Financial Well-being (#267)

Is your financial well-being important to you? It should be. Being financially stable is becoming increasingly difficult due to the economic climate these days. In this post, we will share some good tips to improve your financial situation. Many of us aren’t really taught good and healthy financial habits, especially… Continue reading

The Many Benefits of Focusing on Yourself (#266)

There are many benefits of focusing on yourself and it’s time that we use them in the right way. Each and every day many of us are so focused on others and their needs that we completely forget about ourselves. This blog post of course is directed at self less… Continue reading

Stop Thinking About the What Ifs (#265)

Stop thinking about the what ifs! Like for real, put down that what if and step aside. It seems we are always in our brains about so many potential negative possibilities and this usually leads to an excessive amount of anxiety and worries. As you can imagine this is not… Continue reading

Why Having a Vision is Important (#264)

Can you see me? Can you see me now?! Having a vision is very important for your overall health, well-being, and your future. But really, why do we need one? Let’s discuss. The reason to have a vision for your future is it’s a way for you to understand what… Continue reading

The Pros and Cons of Rumination (#263)

How can rumination help you or hurt you? My brain is always firing on all cylinders, thus potentially complicating things for me. In this post, we will discuss the pros and cons of rumination. Let’s get into it. rumination: obsessive thinking about an idea, situation, or choice. (source- Merriam-Webster) we… Continue reading