Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset (#221)

Your mindset is one of the most important sets of beliefs you will ever have. It will define how you see and feel the world around you. The brain can truly have an effect on how you behave. It is extremely fascinating. Fixed mindset vs growth mindset.  In the past,… Continue reading

4 Tips to Achieve Mindfulness (#65)

What the heck is all this mindfulness talk?! I’m aware of what I’m doing! Many believe that mindfulness is meditation. Mindfulness is pretty much being aware of what’s going on around you, while meditation is being aware of nothing. To achieve mindfulness we must first be aware of ourselves. According… Continue reading

How to Find Clarity in 4 Easy Steps (#64)

Are you indecisive when it comes to making decisions in your life and you’re not sure why? Do you constantly seek clarity? Perhaps you don’t feel like you know what to do about a big decision. Big decisions that could potentially have a big impact on your world can weigh… Continue reading