An Idle Mind is the Devil’s Playground (#281)

An idle mind is the devil’s playground. Through the years I have heard this term and really didn’t have much thought about it until recently. Recently my mind has been somewhat idle and not much progress going on. That my friends is not good at all. As the phrase suggests… Continue reading

Psychologically Fit (#194)

Are you psychologically fit? Hmmm. You may be physically fit and ripped like those people you see at the gym, but is your mental state comparable? Most people never think of this. They believe what they learned in adolescence and the sprinkles of stuff along the way are sufficient for… Continue reading

Train Your Mind (#156)

Training your mind is just as important if not more important than training your body. (please train both for overall health and well-being) Many of us don’t ever truly think about how we process things on the daily. We just go with the flow and hope for the best. Our… Continue reading

The Conscious and Unconscious Mind (#25)

The conscious and unconscious mind is mysterious. My mind is absolutely amazing and very complex. So is yours! I have always been fascinated about the inner workings of the mind and I am constantly expanding mine. I would like to delve into the topic of the conscious and unconscious mind. Additionally,… Continue reading