Stop, Get Up, Do IT (#126)

Are you the type of person to want to do something or need to do something? For whatever reason, you don’t or you completely stall on it? Yes, lots of people are that way at some point or another. It’s important to check yourself and make sure it’s not a… Continue reading

Passion = Energy (#125)

The big thing going on these days is people in search of their passion. “I don’t know what my passion is.” Well, I believe you should stop searching for it. Let it come to you naturally. It’s important to let it go and just reflect on the things that give… Continue reading

Do We Have Destructive Thought Patterns p2 (#121)

Continued There’s little discussion today about our thought processes throughout our lives, but why? Why aren’t we more aware of how we go about thinking? I believe we need to do a better job within ourselves and we also need to support our children. Our kids are going through so… Continue reading

Do We Have Destructive Thought Patterns P1 (#120)

There’s little discussion today about our thought processes throughout our lives, but why? Why aren’t we more aware of how we go about thinking? I believe we need to do a better job within ourselves and we also need to support our children. Our kids are going through so much… Continue reading

Persistence And Perseverance (#119)

Persistence and perseverance are the staples of getting things done in life. The challenges of being a persistent person are extremely high. When something is extremely important to you, it is your job to see it through no matter what. What is your dedication to the cause? Think about it…. Continue reading

Avoid Suffering From The Imposter Syndrome (#98)

Do you feel you are an imposter? Avoid suffering from imposter syndrome. Many of us go through life suffering from self-esteem issues. This can stem from early childhood traumas or a lack of emotional support. The feeling of not being competent enough in your career or personal life can lead… Continue reading

The Confidence/Competence Loop (#78)

The confidence/competence loop is a very beneficial tool towards achieving pretty much anything in your life. But what is it exactly? To begin to understand the loop we need to first break it down into bite-size pieces. confidence: the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something;… Continue reading