How Efficient Are We (#182)

How efficient are you? For me, I really sucked at many years ago mostly in part of the fact that I didn’t have a rhythm. I thought I was extremely efficient because I gave my all. I gave my all always without fail, with no exceptions. That’s apparently not how… Continue reading

How To Be A Powerful Communicator Part 2 (#181)

To be a powerful communicator there are many many things that we must/should do to get as close to effective as possible. We can’t control how the communication is actually received by the other party, but with empathy and understanding as to who they are, will help a lot. Continuing… Continue reading

Incremental Development And Tracking (#179)

We reach and strive to hit our goals but many of us fall short somewhere along the way. If the passion and desire are there to succeed then why do we stumble? Could it be that we don’t believe we can accomplish such a large goal? We should be paying… Continue reading

Toxic Positivity (#178)

Toxic positivity. What the heck is that and how could positivity ever be toxic? I have heard this term more recently lately and I completely get it I just never had words for it. Well, let’s get into it, shall we?! There is such a thing as too much of… Continue reading

Habit, Plan, And Strategy (#177)

Habit, plan, and strategy. What is your plan? Do you even have a plan? Of course you do, we all have some kind of cool plan! It’s called our mental super highway to the future. We are constantly in our heads dreaming. We have a plan, but not many of… Continue reading

Never Ending Past (#174)

Most of us today have what I would call a never ending past. Let me explain. We live in a digital world and everything seems to be recorded at every turn. I mean for real, look around and smile because you my friend are on camera. Does my hair look… Continue reading

You Meet People For A Reason (#173)

I believe that you meet people for a reason. It’s never an accident. People come and go from our lives and we may never know why. The Universe, God, or whatever has some predestined reason for the connections along the way. Looking back I have met many people through the… Continue reading

Building Family Bonds (#172)

Welcome to a brand new 365! A new year to continue on with previous goals and a new year to build new goals. During this next 365, I would like to continue strengthening my family. I wouldn’t say that it is a New Years’ resolution because it’s so much more…. Continue reading

Fight Or Flight (#170)

Fight or flight? Ya wanna fight, fight me! Kidding. No fighting, please. This is a happiness show! So, most of us have heard through the years about fight or flight. Actually, the saying seems to be overused and many truly have no idea how in-depth it actually is. Let’s get… Continue reading